1. 疯狂的;狂妄的:
2. 令人激动的;令人兴奋的:
1. 怪人;疯子:
2. 狂热迷;狂热者:
Wacko: If you describe someone or something as wacko, you mean that they are very strange and eccentric.
Wacko: (informal) Crazy or eccentric.
1. 形容词用法:
- Don't listen to him, he's totally wacko! (不要听他的,他完全疯了!)
- That movie was so wacko, I couldn't stop laughing. (那部电影太搞笑了,我停不下来笑。)
2. 名词用法:
- The town is known for its wackos and oddballs. (这个城市以怪人和奇人而闻名。)
- He's a total wacko, always talking about conspiracy theories. (他完全是个疯子,总是谈论阴谋论。)
1. My neighbor is a bit of a wacko. (我的邻居有点怪怪的。)
2. The wacko professor believes in aliens. (那个古怪的教授相信有外星人。)
3. She's a wacko fan of that band, she goes to all their concerts. (她是那个乐队的狂热粉丝,她去参加他们所有的演唱会。)
4. I can't believe you jumped off that bridge, you're wacko! (我简直不敢相信你跳下那座桥,你疯了!)
5. The movie was a wacko comedy that had everyone laughing. (这部电影是一部古怪的喜剧,让所有人都笑个不停。)
6. The town is full of wackos and eccentrics. (这个城镇到处都是怪人和古怪的人。)
7. The wacko conspiracy theorist believes the government is controlled by aliens. (这个疯狂的阴谋论者相信政府受到外星人的控制。)
8. Don't pay attention to him, he's just a wacko. (别理他,他只是个疯子。)
9. The wacko artist is known for her bizarre and unconventional sculptures. (这位古怪的艺术家以她奇异而非传统的雕塑而闻名。)
10. The wacko fan camped outside the stadium for days to get tickets. (狂热的粉丝在体育场外露营了几天才买到票。)
11. The cult leader was considered a dangerous wacko by many. (这个邪教领袖被许多人认为是一个危险的疯子。)
12. The wacko professor's lectures were always entertaining and thought-provoking. (这位古怪的教授的讲座总是有趣且发人深省。)
13. The wacko scientist claimed to have discovered a way to time travel. (这个古怪的科学家声称发现了一种时间旅行的方法。)
14. The wacko driver was speeding and swerving through traffic. (这个疯狂的司机超速并在交通中不停变道。)
15. The wacko conspiracy theories spread like wildfire on the internet. (这些疯狂的阴谋论在互联网上迅速传播。)
16. The wacko singer's outrageous outfits always grab attention. (这位古怪的歌手的奇装异服总是吸引眼球。)
17. The wacko politician made outrageous claims during his campaign. (这个疯狂的政客在竞选期间发表了令人震惊的言论。)
18. The wacko fan painted their whole room in the team's colors. (这个狂热的粉丝把他们的整个房间都涂成了球队的颜色。)
19. The wacko artist's performance art piece left the audience puzzled. (这位古怪的艺术家的表演艺术作品让观众感到困惑。)
20. The wacko conspiracy theorist had a wall covered in newspaper clippings and red string connecting dots. (这个疯狂的阴谋论者的墙上贴满了报纸剪报和红线连接的点。)