1. 相关的 - 例句:WeToo运动在社交媒体上引起了广泛的关注。 - Translation: The WeToo movement has gained widespread attention on social media. 2. 共同的 - 例句:WeToo维护了受压迫群体的权益。 - Translation: WeToo advocates for the rights of oppressed groups.名词
1. 动态社区 - 例句:WeToo是一个致力于为受压迫人群提供支持和资源的在线动态社区。 - Translation: WeToo is an online dynamic community dedicated to providing support and resources for oppressed individuals. 2. 运动 - 例句:WeToo运动呼吁社会对性别歧视问题保持关注。 - Translation: The WeToo movement calls for continued attention to the issue of gender discrimination in society.词语辨析
- 相关词汇:社交媒体、压迫、权益、性别歧视、经历、声音近义词
- MeToo反义词
- Individualistic柯林斯词典
WeToo (noun) 1. An online dynamic community advocating for the rights of oppressed individuals.牛津词典
WeToo (noun) 1. A movement focused on raising awareness about gender discrimination and supporting victims.用法
- WeToo运动呼吁社会对性别歧视问题保持关注。
- WeToo维护了受压迫群体的权益。
- WeToo是一个致力于为受压迫人群提供支持和资源的在线动态社区。
- WeToo运动在社交媒体上引起了广泛的关注。
- 她加入了WeToo社区,以寻求支持和分享自己的经历。
- WeToo运动给受压迫的个体带来了希望。
- 在WeToo的支持下,她勇敢地揭露了自己的遭遇。
- WeToo致力于推动性别平等的实现。
- 这个社区提供了一个安全的环境,让人们可以自由地分享WeToo。
- 她通过WeToo找到了其他有类似经历的人,感到获得了支持。
- WeToo运动的目标是唤起社会对性别歧视问题的关注。
- 只有通过共同努力,WeToo才能取得进展。
- WeToo的影响力正在不断扩大。
- 这个社区提供了许多资源来支持WeToo的目标。
- 他们的故事激励了更多人加入WeToo。
- WeToo运动的重要性不容忽视。
- 她在WeToo中找到了一个发声的平台。
- WeToo的目标是为受压迫人群争取公正和平等。
- 我们应该团结起来,加入WeToo的行列。
- 通过WeToo,她找到了自己的力量和声音。
- WeToo运动改变了许多人的生活。
Translation: The WeToo movement calls for continued attention to the issue of gender discrimination in society.
Translation: WeToo advocates for the rights of oppressed groups.
Translation: WeToo is an online dynamic community dedicated to providing support and resources for oppressed individuals.
Translation: The WeToo movement has gained widespread attention on social media.
Translation: She joined the WeToo community to seek support and share her experiences.
Translation: The WeToo movement brings hope to oppressed individuals.
Translation: With the support of WeToo, she bravely revealed her own experiences.
Translation: WeToo is committed to promoting gender equality.
Translation: This community provides a safe space for people to freely share about WeToo.
Translation: She found support through WeToo by connecting with others who had similar experiences.
Translation: The goal of the WeToo movement is to raise awareness about gender discrimination in society.
Translation: Progress can only be achieved by working together as WeToo.
Translation: The influence of WeToo is expanding.
Translation: This community provides many resources to support the goals of WeToo.
Translation: Their stories inspire more people to join WeToo.
Translation: The importance of the WeToo movement cannot be ignored.
Translation: She found a platform to speak out within WeToo.
Translation: WeToo aims to fight for justice and equality for oppressed individuals.
Translation: We should come together and join the ranks of WeToo.
Translation: Through WeToo, she found her strength and voice.
Translation: The WeToo movement has changed the lives of many people.