中英词典 - "welter"
1. 混乱的,杂乱的例:The room was in a welter of disorder.
译:房间里一片杂乱。 2. 混乱的,困惑的
例:She was in a welter of conflicting emotions.
1. 混乱,杂乱例:The welter of voices and sounds overwhelmed her.
译:各种声音和噪音使她感到不知所措。 2. 大量,许多
例:A welter of ideas flooded his mind.
混乱的 - chaotic, disordered, confused困惑的 - perplexed, bewildered, confused
大量的 - multitude, abundance, plethora
混乱 - chaos, confusion, disorder杂乱 - cluttered, jumbled, messy
困惑 - perplexity, bewilderment, confusion
有序 - order, organization, arrangement整齐 - tidy, neat, organized
verbIf a large number of things are weltering somewhere, they are moving in a disorganized way.
A welter of things is a large number of them occurring or existing at the same time.
Welter is used to describe something such as a mess or a mass of something that is very large and complicated.
verbMove in a turbulent fashion.
A large number of items in no order; a confused mass.
(Of a mass of something) large and impressive, or (of a person) heavily built.
1. The city was in a welter of confusion after the earthquake.这座城市在地震后一片混乱。 2. She weltered in self-pity after her failure.
她在失败后陷入了自怜之中。 3. The welter of information overwhelmed the students.
大量的信息使学生们不知所措。 4. They had to wade through a welter of paperwork to complete the project.
他们不得不穿过一堆堆的文书工作才能完成这个项目。 5. The welter of emotions on her face showed her inner turmoil.
她脸上复杂的表情显示出她内心的纷乱。 6. He struggled to make sense of the welter of ideas swirling in his mind.
他努力理清脑海中纷繁的思绪。 7. The room was filled with a welter of books, papers, and clothes.
房间里堆满了书籍、文件和衣物。 8. The welter of conflicting opinions made it difficult to reach a decision.
纷繁的意见使得很难做出决定。 9. The welter of voices in the crowded market became a noisy cacophony.
拥挤的市场中各种声音交织成了嘈杂的声音。 10. He found himself in a welter of responsibilities and obligations.
他发现自己陷入了一片义务和责任之中。 11. The welter of colors in the sunset painted the sky in a breathtaking display.
夕阳中丰富多彩的色彩在天空中展现出令人惊叹的景象。 12. The welter of options available on the menu made it difficult to choose.
菜单上众多的选择使得很难做出决定。 13. The welter of criticism from the media affected his confidence.
媒体上的一片批评影响了他的信心。 14. The welter of flowers at the garden show was a sight to behold.
花展上繁花似锦的景象令人叹为观止。 15. The welter of traffic during rush hour made commuting a nightmare.
高峰时段的交通拥堵使得通勤成了噩梦。 16. The welter of problems in his personal life had a negative impact on his work.
个人生活中的一系列问题对他的工作产生了负面影响。 17. The welter of memories flooded back as she walked through her childhood home.
一连串的回忆涌上心头,当她走进了她的童年家园。 18. The welter of applause filled the theater after the incredible performance.
令人难以置信的表演结束后,满堂彩声响彻剧院。 19. The welter of raindrops pelted against the windowpane.
雨点簌簌地打在窗玻璃上。 20. The welter of information available online can be overwhelming.