1. 公认的,众所周知的 2. 著名的,知名的名词
1. 著名人士词语辨析
well-known, famous, renowned, celebrated, notable 1. well-known: 指广为人知的,常常出现在口语和书面语中,用于形容名人、地点或事物。 2. famous: 指因杰出成就、特别才能或出众表现而被广泛知晓的,强调名声远播。 3. renowned: 指因杰出的品质、成就或声誉而广为人知的,强调名望高。 4. celebrated: 指因特别成就、地位或重要事件而著名的,强调名声在特定领域中广泛传播。 5. notable: 指因显著、卓越或引人注目而被广泛认可的,强调因突出的特点而闻名。词汇扩充
well-knownness (名词)近义词
famous, renowned, celebrated, notable, familiar, recognized, popular, acclaimed反义词
unknown, obscure, unfamiliar, anonymous柯林斯词典
well-known: 1. If you say that someone or something is well-known, you mean that they are known by a lot of people and are therefore famous or familiar. (FORMAL) e.g. He is a well-known film director. 2. widely familiar or easily recognized e.g. a well-known face牛津词典
well-known: 1. Known widely and considered to be one of the most important or best of its kind. e.g. a well-known author. 2. Familiar or widely recognized e.g. the well-known landmarks of the city.用法
- He is well-known for his contributions to the field of science. (他以对科学领域的贡献而闻名。)
- The Eiffel Tower is a well-known landmark in Paris. (埃菲尔铁塔是巴黎一座著名的地标。)
- She is a well-known actress in Hollywood. (她是好莱坞一位知名的女演员。)
- The well-known author delivered an inspiring speech at the conference. (这位著名作家在会议上发表了一场激励人心的演讲。)
- His face is well-known to the public due to his frequent appearances on television. (由于经常在电视上露面,他的面孔为公众所熟知。)
- The company's well-known reputation attracts customers from all over the world. (该公司的良好声誉吸引了来自世界各地的顾客。)
- Being a well-known musician, he was invited to perform at the prestigious event. (作为一位著名的音乐家,他受邀在这个重要的活动上表演。)
- She has a well-known talent for painting. (她有着众所周知的绘画才能。)
- The restaurant is well-known for its delicious seafood dishes. (这家餐厅以其美味的海鲜菜肴而闻名。)
- The well-known scientist has made significant contributions to the field of medicine. (这位著名科学家为医学领域做出了重大贡献。)
- Her well-known generosity has touched the lives of many people. (她众所周知的慷慨行为感动了许多人。)
- The well-known actor received an award for his outstanding performance in the play. (这位著名演员因在该剧中的出色表演而获得奖项。)
- The well-known author's books have been translated into multiple languages. (这位知名作家的书籍已被翻译成多种语言。)
- As a well-known tourist destination, the city attracts millions of visitors each year. (作为一个著名的旅游目的地,这个城市每年吸引数百万游客。)
- The well-known artist's paintings are exhibited in galleries around the world. (这位著名艺术家的画作在世界各地的画廊展出。)
- The well-known politician announced his candidacy for the upcoming election. (这位著名政治家宣布参加即将到来的选举。)
- Her well-known expertise in the field of technology has earned her numerous awards. (她在技术领域的众所周知的专业知识为她赢得了许多奖项。)
- The well-known brand is recognized for its high-quality products. (这个知名品牌因其高质量的产品而受到认可。)
- The well-known professor gave a lecture on the topic of climate change. (这位著名教授就气候变化的主题进行了一次讲座。)
- Her well-known kindness and compassion make her a beloved figure in the community. (她众所周知的善良和同情心使她成为社区中受人爱戴的人物。)
- The well-known architect designed the iconic building. (这位著名建筑师设计了这座标志性建筑。)