- 井,泉 (a deep hole in the ground from which water, oil, or gas can be obtained)
- 水源(尤指供应城镇或建筑物用水的地下水源)(a source of water, especially one supplying a town or building)
- 深坑,陷阱 (a deep hole or shaft)
- 沃尔斯(姓氏)(a surname)
- 井的 (relating to or characteristic of a well)
- 健康的,良好的 (in good health; not ill or injured)
- 适宜的,恰当的 (satisfactory or agreeable)
词汇扩充(Vocabulary Extension)
- wellhead:井口,井头
- well-watered:水源丰富的
- well-being:幸福,福祉
- wellness:健康
- wellspring:泉源,源泉
- well-equipped:设备齐全的
well, fountain, spring
- well:侧重指从地下涌出的水,通常指供人饮用的水源。
- fountain:指自然或人工喷泉,形容水流喷涌的样子。
- spring:指地下水源涌出地面的地方,也可指泉水。
- pit
- shaft
- borehole
- spring
- block
- obstruct
- hinder
- impede
柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)
wells (noun)
- a city in Somerset in SW England, famous for its cathedral: religious centre of the early Celtic Church; King Ine had a palace here. Pop: 10 406 (2001)
- H (erbert) G (eorge). 1866-1946, British author, noted for his science-fiction novels, esp The War of the Worlds (1898), and his comic fantasies, esp The Wonderful Visit (1895) and The History of Mr. Polly (1910)
- Orson. 1915–85, US film director, born in Italy, whose work includes Citizen Kane (1941), The Magnificent Ambersons (1942), Touch of Evil (1957), and Chimes at Midnight (1965)
牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)
wells (noun)
- a city in central England, in Hereford and Worcester, on the River Severn; population 62,000 (est. 2009). It is noted for the nearby productive oil wells, which were first exploited in 1892.
1. Well as a noun:
- She fell into a deep well and couldn't get out.
- The village relies on a well for its water supply.
- He was lowered into the well by a rope.
2. Well as an adjective:
- She didn't look well when I saw her yesterday.
- He is well after his illness.
- That's a well idea!
- She fell into a deep well and couldn't get out. (她掉进了一个深井里,无法爬出来。)
- The village relies on a well for its water supply. (这个村庄依赖井水供应。)
- He was lowered into the well by a rope. (他被绳子吊进了井里。)
- She didn't look well when I saw her yesterday. (昨天我见到她时,她看起来不太健康。)
- He is well after his illness. (他病后恢复良好。)
- That's a well idea! (那是个好主意!)
- Many people threw coins into the well for good luck. (很多人为了好运向井里投硬币。)
- They dug a well in the backyard. (他们在后院挖了一口井。)
- The child was playing near the edge of the well. (那个孩子在井边玩耍。)
- She gazed down into the dark well. (她凝视着那个黑暗的井口。)
- He inherited a well from his father. (他继承了父亲的一口井。)
- They drilled a well in the desert to find water. (他们在沙漠中钻了一口井以寻找水源。)
- The water in the well is clean and pure. (井里的水干净纯净。)
- He is known for his well research in the field of chemistry. (他以在化学领域的深入研究而闻名。)
- She was feeling well enough to go back to work. (她感觉好得足够能够返回工作。)
- The doctor assured him that he was well. (医生向他保证他的病情好转。)
- The team performed well and won the match. (这个团队表现出色并赢得了比赛。)
- She is well aware of the consequences of her actions. (她很清楚她行为的后果。)
- He was well dressed for the occasion. (他穿着得体,适应了场合。)
- He speaks well of you to everyone he meets. (他在每个人面前都说你的好话。)
- She plays the guitar well. (她弹吉他弹得好。)
- I well remember the first time we met. (我很清楚地记得我们第一次见面。)