1. welling 词义:涌现的;涌出的 例句:Tears were welling in her eyes.(她眼中涌出了眼泪。)名词
1. welling 词义:涌流;涌泉 例句:The welling of water from the spring was refreshing.(泉水的涌流令人心旷神怡。)词语辨析
1. welling vs. gushing 词义:welling指涌现或涌出,常用于形容情感或液体;gushing指喷涌,形容液体迅速冲出。 例句:Joy was welling up in her heart.(喜悦在她心中涌现。) 例句:The water gushed out of the broken pipe.(水从破裂的管道里喷涌而出。)词汇扩充
welling (noun) 1. A welling is a flow of liquid, gas, or other substance that rises slowly and comes out of a small hole or crack. 2. The welling of an emotion is the way that it becomes stronger and more noticeable. 3. If you feel a welling of a particular emotion, it becomes stronger and more noticeable. welling (adjective) 1. If you describe someone's eyes as welling with tears, you mean that their eyes are filling with tears. 2. If you describe a place as welling with a particular quality or emotion, you mean that it is full of that quality or emotion.牛津词典
welling (noun) 1. The process of welling up. 2. A rise and overflowing, as of a liquid. welling (adjective) 1. Filling up with tears. 2. (of a feeling or quality) Rising or emerging.用法
welling (noun) 例句:The welling of water from the underground spring created a small pool.(地下泉水的涌流形成了一个小水池。) welling (adjective) 例句:She couldn't stop the tears that were welling in her eyes.(她无法停止眼泪从眼眶中涌出。)相关例句
- Tears were welling in her eyes.(她眼中涌出了眼泪。)
- He felt a welling of anger inside him.(他心中涌起了愤怒。)
- The welling of water from the spring was refreshing.(泉水的涌流令人心旷神怡。)
- She couldn't control the welling of emotions in her heart.(她无法控制心中情感的涌动。)
- With a welling of pride, he watched his daughter graduate.(他满怀自豪地看着女儿毕业。)
- The welling of enthusiasm in the crowd was contagious.(人群中的热情令人感染。)
- He could feel the tears welling up in his eyes.(他能感觉到眼泪涌上眼眶。)
- The welling of joy in her heart was evident on her face.(喜悦在她心中涌现,脸上表现得很明显。)
- As she listened to the music, a welling sense of nostalgia filled her.(听着音乐,她心中涌起一种强烈的怀旧之情。)
- He couldn't hold back the welling tears any longer.(他再也无法止住眼泪的涌出。)
- She felt a welling of gratitude towards her friends.(她对朋友们涌起了一种感激之情。)
- With a welling of excitement, he opened the gift.(他兴奋得不禁涌起,打开了礼物。)
- The welling up of emotions overwhelmed her.(情感的涌动让她不知所措。)
- She could sense a welling of anticipation in the air.(她能感觉到空气中涌动着一种期待感。)
- He saw a welling of anger in her eyes.(他看到她眼中涌起了愤怒。)
- With tears welling in her eyes, she hugged him tightly.(眼泪在她眼中涌出,她紧紧地拥抱了他。)
- The welling of memories brought a smile to her face.(回忆的涌现令她面露微笑。)
- She felt a welling of happiness as she saw her dream come true.(看着自己的梦想实现,她涌起了幸福感。)
- He could feel a welling of pride as he watched his team win.(看着自己的团队获胜,他感到自豪。)
- With a welling of confidence, she stepped onto the stage.(带着自信,她走上了舞台。)