1. welded (adj.): 进行焊接的
2. welded (adj.): 焊接而成的,焊接接合的
1. joined: 连接的
2. fused: 熔化的
1. separate: 分离的
2. detached: 脱离的
welded (adj.): joined together as if by welding, esp in such a way that the joining is indistinguishable
welded (adj.): joined together by welding
- The metal plates were welded together to form a strong bond. (金属板被焊接在一起形成了强力的粘合。)
- The welded joints of the pipeline ensure that there are no leaks. (管道的焊接接头确保没有泄漏。)
- He learned how to operate the welding machine and started welding metal pieces together. (他学会了如何操作焊接机并开始将金属件焊接在一起。)
- The welded connection between the two pipes was so strong that it could not be easily broken. (两根管子之间的焊接连接非常坚固,不易断裂。)
- The welded steel beams provided structural support for the building. (焊接的钢梁为建筑物提供了结构支撑。)
- After the parts were welded together, they were painted to match the rest of the equipment. (零件焊接在一起后,进行了喷漆以与其他设备相匹配。)
- The welded seam on the pipe was carefully inspected for any defects. (管道上的焊接缝经过仔细检查以寻找任何缺陷。)
- She watched as the welder carefully welded the metal pieces together. (她看着焊工小心地将金属件焊接在一起。)
- The welding process involves melting metal and then welding it to another piece. (焊接过程涉及熔化金属然后将其焊接到另一件物体上。)
- With the welded joint complete, the structure was now secure. (随着焊接接头的完成,结构现在变得牢固。)
- The welded steel frame provided stability and strength to the entire structure. (焊接的钢框架使整个结构稳定而坚固。)
- The welded sections of the sculpture were seamlessly blended together. (雕塑的焊接部分完美地融合在一起。)
- She wore a welding mask to protect her eyes from the bright sparks. (她戴着焊接面具,以保护眼睛不受明亮的火花伤害。)
- The welded joints of the metal table were carefully polished to create a smooth surface. (金属桌子的焊接接头经过精心打磨,以创建一个光滑的表面。)
- He took a welding course to learn the basics of joining metal pieces together. (他参加了一个焊接课程,学习将金属件连接在一起的基础知识。)
- The welded structure of the bridge was designed to withstand strong winds and heavy loads. (桥梁的焊接结构被设计为能够承受强风和重载。)
- The welded seams on the car body were carefully inspected for any imperfections. (汽车车身上的焊接缝经过仔细检查,以寻找任何瑕疵。)
- He used a welded wire fence to enclose his garden and keep out animals. (他用焊接的铁丝网围起了自己的花园,防止动物进入。)
- The welded metal sculpture stood proudly in the center of the park. (焊接的金属雕塑自豪地矗立在公园的中心。)
- The welded joints of the pipes were inspected for any signs of corrosion. (管道的焊接接头被检查以寻找任何腐蚀迹象。)
- He wore protective gloves while welding to shield his hands from the heat. (他在焊接时戴着防护手套,以保护手部不受热量伤害。)