windsurfing (adj.) - 风帆冲浪的
windsurfing (n.) - 风帆冲浪
windsurfer (n.) - 风帆冲浪者
windsurfing 和 windsurfer 都是关于风帆冲浪的名词,前者指的是这项运动本身,后者指的是从事该运动的人。
以下是与 windsurfing 相关的词汇扩充:
- windsurf (v.) - 进行风帆冲浪
- windsurfboard (n.) - 风帆冲浪板
- windsurfing sail (n.) - 风帆冲浪帆
- windsurfing equipment (n.) - 风帆冲浪装备
- windsurfing lesson (n.) - 风帆冲浪课程
以下是与 windsurfing 相近义的词语:
- sailboarding
- boardsailing
以下是与 windsurfing 相反义的词语:
- stillness
- calm
Windsurfing is the sport of sailing across water by standing on a board and holding onto a large sail that is moved by the wind. [Collins Dictionary]
Windsurfing is the sport of sailing on water by standing on a board and holding onto a sail that catches the wind. [Oxford Dictionary]
以下是 windsurfing 在句子中的用法示例:
- I enjoy windsurfing in my free time. (我喜欢在业余时间进行风帆冲浪。)
- He is a skilled windsurfer. (他是一位技艺娴熟的风帆冲浪者。)
- She took a windsurfing lesson last summer. (去年夏天她上了一节风帆冲浪课。)
- The windsurfing equipment is stored in the garage. (风帆冲浪装备存放在车库里。)
以下是一些关于 windsurfing 的例句:
- I'm planning to go windsurfing this weekend if the weather is good. (如果天气好的话,我打算这个周末去风帆冲浪。)
- He is practicing his windsurfing skills at the beach. (他在海滩上练习他的风帆冲浪技巧。)
- She bought a new windsurfboard for her upcoming trip. (她为即将到来的旅行买了一块新的风帆冲浪板。)
- We had a fantastic windsurfing experience during our vacation in Hawaii. (在夏威夷度假期间,我们有了一次极好的风帆冲浪体验。)
- The strong wind made windsurfing challenging but exciting. (强风使得风帆冲浪具有挑战性但也令人兴奋。)
- He teaches windsurfing lessons to beginners every summer. (他每个夏天都会给初学者教授风帆冲浪课程。)
- We need to check the condition of the windsurfing sail before heading out to the sea. (在去海边之前,我们需要检查一下风帆冲浪帆的状况。)
- She enjoys the freedom and thrill of windsurfing. (她喜欢风帆冲浪带来的自由和刺激。)
- They organized a windsurfing competition at the local beach. (他们在当地海滩组织了一场风帆冲浪比赛。)
- He fell into the water while attempting a difficult windsurfing maneuver. (他在试图完成一个困难的风帆冲浪动作时掉进了水里。)
- The beach is a popular spot for windsurfing enthusiasts. (这个海滩是风帆冲浪爱好者们常去的地方。)
- He rented a windsurfing board and sailed along the coast. (他租了一块风帆冲浪板沿着海岸航行。)
- She joined a windsurfing club to meet other people who share her passion for the sport. (她加入了一个风帆冲浪俱乐部,与其他热爱这项运动的人交流。)
- The windsurfing equipment can be rented from the beachside shops. (风帆冲浪装备可以从海滩边的商店租借。)
- We had a great time windsurfing and enjoying the beautiful scenery. (我们玩得很开心,享受着美丽的风景,同时进行着风帆冲浪。)
- He bought a new wetsuit to wear while windsurfing in colder waters. (他买了一套新的潜水服,在较冷的水域进行风帆冲浪时穿着。)
- The windsurfing instructor provided us with safety guidelines before we started. (在我们开始之前,风帆冲浪教练为我们提供了安全指南。)
- She was excited to try windsurfing for the first time during her vacation. (她在度假期间第一次尝试风帆冲浪,感到兴奋。)
- He won a gold medal in the windsurfing competition. (他在风帆冲浪比赛中获得了金牌。)
- They spent the entire day windsurfing and enjoying the sun. (他们整天都在进行风帆冲浪活动,享受着阳光。)
- The windsurfing spot is known for its strong winds and large waves. (这个风帆冲浪点以强风和大浪而闻名。)