1. 有翅膀的:
英文释义:having wings or winglike extensions.
词汇扩充:winged creature(有翅膀的生物)
近义词:feathered, winglike
柯林斯词典:having wings.
牛津词典:having wings or winglike extensions.
用法:He watched the winged creatures fly through the sky.
2. 飞行的:
英文释义:capable of flight; flying.
词汇扩充:winged insect(飞虫)
近义词:flying, airborne
柯林斯词典:capable of flight; flying.
牛津词典:able to fly.
用法:The bird took off and soared into the sky with its winged companions.
1. 翅膀:
英文释义:a wing or winglike part.
词汇扩充:a pair of wings(一对翅膀)
近义词:wing, pinion
柯林斯词典:a wing or winglike part.
牛津词典:a wing or winglike part.
用法:The butterfly opened its delicate wings.
2. 侧面:
英文释义:either of the two lateral parts or areas of a thing.
词汇扩充:the wings of a building(建筑物的两侧)
近义词:side, flank
柯林斯词典:either of the two lateral parts or areas of a thing.
牛津词典:either of the two parts of the body of a bird or insect that enable it to fly.
用法:The theater has additional seating on the wings.
- She admired the winged creatures flying gracefully in the sky.(她欣赏着优雅地在天空中飞翔的有翅膀的生物。)
- The ancient Egyptians believed that the soul became a winged bird after death.(古埃及人认为灵魂在死后化为一只有翅膀的鸟。)
- The winged insect fluttered from flower to flower.(有翅膀的昆虫在花朵间飞舞。)
- He felt a sense of freedom when he soared through the air on winged feet.(他驾着有翅膀的脚在空中翱翔时,感受到了自由的感觉。)
- The fairy's wings shimmered in the sunlight.(仙女的翅膀在阳光下闪闪发光。)
- The building's wings housed additional offices.(建筑物的两侧是额外的办公室。)
- The airplane's wings were damaged during the storm.(飞机的机翼在暴风雨中受损。)
- The dragon spread its wings and took off into the night sky.(巨龙展开翅膀,飞向夜空。)
- She stood at the edge of the cliff, feeling the wind against her wings.(她站在悬崖边,感受到风吹拂她的翅膀。)
- The eagle's powerful wings carried it high above the mountains.(鹰强有力的翅膀将它高高升起在山上空。)
- He could see the wings of the theater from his seat.(他从座位上可以看到剧院的两侧。)
- We sat in the wings of the auditorium, close to the stage.(我们坐在礼堂的两侧,靠近舞台。)
- The dancer gracefully moved across the stage, her wings extended.(舞者优雅地在舞台上移动,她展开了翅膀。)
- The angel's wings were pure white and gleamed in the sunlight.(天使的翅膀纯白无瑕,在阳光下闪闪发光。)
- The butterfly landed on the flower and folded its wings.(蝴蝶落在花上,折叠起它的翅膀。)
- The bird's wings flapped as it took off from the branch.(鸟的翅膀在从树枝上起飞时拍打着。)
- The dragonfly hovered in the air, its wings beating rapidly.(蜻蜓在空中盘旋,它的翅膀迅速拍动着。)
- The angel spread her wings and flew towards the heavens.(天使展开翅膀,飞向天堂。)
- The airplane's wings provided lift and allowed it to stay in the air.(飞机的机翼提供了升力,使其能够在空中停留。)
- The bat's wings allowed it to navigate through the dark caves.(蝙蝠的翅膀使其能够在黑暗的洞穴中航行。)
- The butterfly's colorful wings attracted the attention of the children.(蝴蝶五彩斑斓的翅膀吸引了孩子们的注意。)