英语释义:A wineskin is a container made from the skin of an animal, which is used for carrying wine.
例句:He uncorked a wineskin and offered it to his companions.
英语释义:A bag made of leather, used formerly for holding wine.
例句:He filled the wineskin with water.
1. They carried wineskins to hold the wine they would drink during the journey. (名词)
2. The wineskin was made from the skin of a goat. (名词)
3. The wineskin was filled with red wine. (名词)
4. The wineskin was old and cracked. (名词)
5. The wineskin merchant offered a variety of wineskins. (名词)
6. The wine was poured into an ornate wineskin. (名词)
7. She admired the wineskin's rich color. (形容词)
8. The wineskin design was inspired by ancient traditions. (形容词)
9. The wineskin had a strong aroma of wine. (形容词)
10. The wineskin was passed around at the celebration. (名词)
1. They carried wineskins to hold the wine they would drink during the journey. (他们携带酒袋来装他们旅途中要喝的酒。)
2. The wineskin was made from the skin of a goat. (酒袋是由山羊皮制成的。)
3. The wineskin was filled with red wine. (酒袋里装满了红酒。)
4. The wineskin was old and cracked. (酒袋又旧又破。)
5. The wineskin merchant offered a variety of wineskins. (酒袋商人提供各种各样的酒袋。)
6. The wine was poured into an ornate wineskin. (酒倒入一只精美的酒囊。)
7. She admired the wineskin's rich color. (她赞赏酒袋的丰富色彩。)
8. The wineskin design was inspired by ancient traditions. (酒袋的设计灵感来自古老的传统。)
9. The wineskin had a strong aroma of wine. (酒袋散发着浓郁的酒香。)
10. The wineskin was passed around at the celebration. (酒袋在庆典上传递。)
11. The wineskin was decorated with intricate patterns. (酒袋上装饰着复杂的图案。)
12. The wineskin was filled with a sweet dessert wine. (酒袋里装满了甜美的甜酒。)
13. The wineskin was empty, indicating that the wine had been consumed. (酒袋是空的,说明酒已经被喝光了。)
14. The wineskin was passed down through generations as a family heirloom. (酒袋代代相传,成为家族的传家宝。)
15. The wineskin was carefully sealed to prevent any leakage. (酒袋被仔细封好,以防止渗漏。)
16. The wineskin was filled with a blend of different wines. (酒袋里装满了不同酒品的混合酒。)
17. The wineskin had a unique shape, resembling a flask. (酒袋有着独特的形状,类似一个烧瓶。)
18. The wineskin was made with genuine leather for durability. (酒袋采用真皮制作,耐用。)
19. The wineskin had a leak, causing the wine to slowly seep out. (酒袋有个漏洞,导致酒慢慢渗出。)
20. The wineskin was adorned with intricate embroidery. (酒袋上饰有复杂的刺绣。)