- winged [形容词] - 有翅膀的
- wing [名词] - 翅膀;机翼
- wing [名词] - 翼部;侧翼;楼廊
- wing [名词] - 翼状物;翼状部分
- wing [名词] - 支部;分支
- wing [名词] - (剧院)两侧的舞台
- wing [名词] - (建筑)侧楼;楼翼
- wing [名词] - (体育比赛)某一方;一队
- wing [名词] - (政治)党派;派系
1. wing [名词] 和 winged [形容词] 的区别:
- wing [名词] 强调物体的部分或整体,如翅膀、机翼等。
- winged [形容词] 强调物体具备翅膀,表示有翅膀的状态。
- left wing [名词] - 左翼
- right wing [名词] - 右翼
- chicken wing [名词] - 鸡翅膀
- angel wing [名词] - 天使翅膀
- aircraft wing [名词] - 飞机机翼
- adjacent, flank, side, extension, appendage
- outbuilding, annex, extension, ell
- faction, group, division, branch, sector
- body
wing (wɪŋ)
- noun
- the part of a bird or insect that enables it to fly
- one of the organs of a bird's body that is used in flying
- a structure that forms the extended outer edge of an aircraft and supports its weight in flight
- one of the parts of a building that is furthest from the centre
- verb
- to fly or cause to fly like a bird
- to move lightly and gracefully, as if flying
wing (/wɪŋ/)
- noun
- one of the flat, thin structures on the side of a bird's body that it uses for flying
- a similar structure that is used by insects and some other animals
- the flat, horizontal part of an aircraft that sticks out from its side and makes it stay in the air when it is flying
- either of the two flat, horizontal parts at the sides of a car that cover the wheels
- verb
- to fly somewhere
- to give a particular quality to something
- I saw a beautiful butterfly with colorful wings. (我看到一只有着彩色翅膀的美丽蝴蝶。)
- Birds use their wings to fly. (鸟儿用翅膀飞行。)
- The airplane's wings help it stay up in the air. (飞机的机翼帮助它保持在空中。)
- Our office is located in the west wing of the building. (我们的办公室位于建筑物的西翼。)
- He broke his right wing in the accident. (他在事故中折断了右翼。)
- The bird gracefully spread its wings and took off into the sky. (那只鸟优雅地展开翅膀,飞上了天空。)
- She felt a gentle breeze against her wings as she soared through the air. (她感到飞翔时空气中有一股轻柔的微风拂过她的翅膀。)
- The pilot carefully checked the wings of the aircraft before takeoff. (飞行员在起飞前仔细检查了飞机的机翼。)
- The car's wings were damaged in the collision. (汽车在碰撞中车两侧的翼子板受损了。)
- The left wing of the party is pushing for more progressive policies. (该党的左翼正在推动更为进步的政策。)
- She joined the marketing wing of the company after completing her degree. (她在完成学位后加入了公司的市场部。)
- The theater wings were filled with actors preparing for their scenes. (剧院的两侧舞台上挤满了正在为演出做准备的演员。)
- The castle had two wings extending out from the main building. (城堡有两个从主楼延伸出去的楼翼。)
- The football team's left wing scored a goal in the final minutes of the game. (足球队的左路进攻在比赛最后几分钟打入了一球。)
- There are several political wings within the party, each with its own agenda. (该党内有几个派系,各自有各自的议程。)