"Wings" 可以指物体的翅膀或侧翼,也可以指无形的东西,比喻为虚幻的。词汇扩充:
柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary):
wings (noun)
- The wings of a bird or insect are the two parts of its body that it uses for flying.
- The wings of an airplane or bird are the long flat parts sticking out of its sides.
- If a building or garden has wings, it has parts that are joined to the main part and stick out from it.
- If a person or organization has wings, they have branches or departments in different places.
- If you say that someone has a flair for a particular thing, you mean that they have a natural ability to do it well.
- If you have wings, you have a lot of freedom to do what you want to do.
- A wing of a political party or a building is a group that has different aims or characteristics from the main group.
牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary):
wings (noun)
- (usually wings) The outer or upper edge of an object, in particular.
- Either of the two upper appendages of a bird, bat, or insect, which enable it to fly.
- A rigid horizontal structure that projects from both sides of an aircraft and supports it in the air.
- A group within a political party or organization that holds particular views or has a particular function.
- Short for wing collar.
- (British) A sidepiece in a car.
1. The bird flapped its wings and flew away. (这只鸟拍打翅膀飞走了。)
2. The airplane's wings allow it to stay in the air. (飞机的机翼使其能够停留在空中。)
3. The company's new branch opened its wings in the city center. (公司的新分店在市中心开业了。)
4. The organization's environmental wing focuses on sustainability. (该组织的环保部门专注于可持续发展。)
5. She spread her arms wide, as if she had wings. (她张开了双臂,仿佛有翅膀一样。)
6. The political party's left wing advocates for social equality. (该政党的左翼主张社会平等。)
7. He has a natural flair for playing the piano. (他天生擅长弹钢琴。)
1. The bird's colorful wings caught everyone's attention. (鸟儿鲜艳的翅膀引起了所有人的注意。)
2. The butterfly gracefully fluttered its wings. (蝴蝶优雅地振动着翅膀。)
3. The airplane's wingspan is over 60 meters. (这架飞机的翼展超过60米。)
4. The company's new branch aims to spread its wings internationally. (公司的新分店旨在国际市场发展。)
5. The environmental wing of the organization focuses on conservation efforts. (该组织的环保部门专注于保护工作。)
6. She felt like she had wings when she danced. (她跳舞时感觉自己像有翅膀一样。)
7. The left wing of the party advocates for social justice. (该党的左翼主张社会公正。)
8. The dragonfly hovered in mid-air, its wings beating rapidly. (蜻蜓在半空中盘旋,翅膀迅速扇动。)
9. The theater's side wings provided additional space for the performers. (剧院的侧台为演员提供了额外的空间。)
10. The team's winger scored a spectacular goal in the match. (球队的边锋在比赛中打进了一个壮观的进球。)
11. The artist's imagination had no limits; she let her creativity take flight on the wings of her brush. (艺术家的想象力没有界限;她让自己的创造力在画笔的翅膀上飞翔。)
12. The butterfly emerged from its chrysalis and unfolded its beautiful wings. (蝴蝶从蛹中出来,展开了美丽的翅膀。)
13. The plane's wings were covered in ice, causing it to lose stability. (飞机的机翼结冰,导致失去了稳定性。)
14. The company's new wing focuses on digital marketing strategies. (公司的新分支专注于数字营销策略。)
15. The bird flew away, disappearing into the distance on its powerful wings. (鸟儿扇动着有力的翅膀,飞向远方,渐渐消失。)
16. The political party's right wing advocates for lower taxes and limited government intervention. (该政党的右翼主张降低税收和有限的政府干预。)
17. The aircraft's wings generate lift, allowing it to stay airborne. (飞机的机翼产生升力,使其能够保持在空中。)
18. The theater's side wings provided space for set changes during the performance. (剧院的侧台为演出期间的布景更换提供了空间。)
19. The organization's research wing focuses on scientific advancements in the field of medicine. (该组织的研究部门专注于医学领域的科学进展。)
20. The bird spread its wings and took off into the sky, soaring high above the trees. (鸟儿展开翅膀,冲上天空,在树木上方高高飞翔。)