1. 中文释义
2. 英文释义
winos(名词):a person who is habitually drunk or intoxicated; an alcoholic.
winos(形容词):of or relating to alcoholics or alcoholism.
3. 词性
alcoholic, drunkard
winos(名词):Winos are people who often get drunk.
winos(形容词):Winos means relating to winos or their way of life.
winos(名词):A person who drinks excessive amounts of cheap wine or other alcohol, especially one who is homeless or who does not have a permanent home.
winos(形容词):Relating to winos or their way of life.
1. 名词用法:The park was filled with winos sleeping on the benches.
2. 形容词用法:He lived a winos life, spending every day drinking in the local bar.
- She used to be a wino, but she has been sober for three years now.(她过去是个酒鬼,但现在已经戒酒三年了。)
- He spends all his money on alcohol and has become a wino.(他把所有的钱都花在酒上,成了个酒徒。)
- The police found a group of winos drinking in the park.(警察在公园里发现了一群酒鬼在喝酒。)
- Her wino lifestyle eventually led to her losing her job and family.(她的酗酒生活最终导致她失去了工作和家庭。)
- The documentary explores the struggles of winos living on the streets.(这部纪录片探索了生活在街头的酒鬼们的困境。)
- He was known in the neighborhood as a wino who would do anything for a drink.(他在这个社区里以一个为了酒会做任何事的酒徒而出名。)
- The winos gathered around the liquor store, waiting for it to open.(酒鬼们聚集在酒店周围,等待它开门。)
- She lived a wino lifestyle, spending her days in bars and sleeping on the streets.(她过着酒徒的生活方式,整天都在酒吧里度过,晚上在街上睡觉。)
- He was once a successful businessman, but his alcoholism turned him into a wino.(他曾经是一位成功的商人,但酗酒让他变成了一个酒鬼。)
- Despite his wino reputation, he was able to turn his life around and become sober.(尽管有酒鬼的名声,他还是能够扭转局面,戒酒了。)
- The winos were often seen begging for money on the streets.(酒鬼们经常在街上乞讨。)
- She couldn't stand the smell of winos, so she avoided the area where they gathered.(她受不了酒鬼们的气味,所以避开了他们聚集的地方。)
- His wino lifestyle eventually led to his early death.(他的酒徒生活最终导致了他的早逝。)
- The winos would often congregate in the park, sharing bottles of cheap wine.(酒鬼们经常聚集在公园里,分享廉价葡萄酒。)
- She felt sorry for the winos on the street and decided to volunteer at a local shelter.(她为街上的酒鬼感到难过,决定在当地的收容所做志愿者。)
- His wino lifestyle had a negative impact on his relationships and career.(他的酒徒生活对他的人际关系和事业产生了负面影响。)
- Winos often face health issues due to their excessive alcohol consumption.(酒鬼们由于过度饮酒经常面临健康问题。)
- He used to be a wino, but he sought help and is now in recovery.(他曾经是个酒鬼,但他寻求帮助,现在正在康复中。)
- The winos would congregate at the local park, sharing stories and bottles of wine.(酒鬼们会在当地的公园里聚集,分享故事和瓶子里的葡萄酒。)
- She was disgusted by the wino lifestyle and vowed never to drink alcohol.(她对酒徒的生活方式感到厌恶,并发誓永不喝酒。)