1. multiplying中文翻译:倍增的,繁殖的
英文释义:increasing in number or quantity; reproducing or propagating
- multiplying与增加数量有关,强调数量的增多。 - reproducing强调生物繁殖。 - propagating强调信息或思想的传播。词汇扩充
- multiplied(过去式/过去分词):倍增的,繁殖的 - multiplier(名词):乘数,倍增器 - multiplication(名词):乘法,繁殖 - multiplicative(形容词):乘法的,倍增的名词(Noun)
1. multiplying中文翻译:乘法
英文释义:the process or operation of multiplying 2. multiplying
英文释义:the act or process of reproducing or propagating
- multiplication table(名词):乘法表 - multiplicand(名词):被乘数 - multiplier(名词):乘数 - product(名词):乘积 - propagation(名词):繁殖,传播近义词(Synonyms)
- increasing:增加的,增长的 - multiplying:倍增的,繁殖的 - augmenting:增加的,扩大的 - proliferating:增殖的,繁殖的反义词(Antonyms)
- decreasing:减少的,递减的 - reducing:减少的,降低的柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)
1. multiplying英文释义:increasing in number or quantity; reproducing or propagating
- Multiplying can refer to both increasing in number or quantity, and reproducing or propagating in biological or informational contexts.牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)
1. multiplying英文释义:increasing in number or quantity; reproducing or propagating
- Multiplying is often used in mathematical contexts to describe the process of increasing a number by a certain factor.例句(Examples)
- The multiplying number of cars on the road is causing traffic congestion.(道路上不断增加的汽车数量导致交通拥堵。)
- The multiplying demands of the job made it difficult for her to keep up.(工作上不断增加的要求使她难以跟上。)
- Rabbits are known for their multiplying abilities.(兔子以其繁殖能力而闻名。)
- The multiplying of information through social media has revolutionized communication.(通过社交媒体传播信息的增长已经彻底改变了交流方式。)
- He used a multiplying factor to calculate the final result.(他使用了一个倍增因子来计算最终结果。)
- The teacher asked the students to memorize the multiplication table.(老师要求学生记住乘法表。)
- The multiplication of cells is an essential process for growth and repair in the human body.(细胞的繁殖是人体生长和修复的重要过程。)
- They used a multiplication method to estimate the population size.(他们使用了一种乘法方法来估计人口规模。)
- The multiplication of rumors spread fear among the villagers.(谣言的传播引起了村民的恐惧。)
- The multiplication of online platforms has made it easier for businesses to reach a wider audience.(在线平台的增多使企业更容易接触到更广泛的受众。)
- As the number of COVID-19 cases keeps increasing, we need to take stricter measures.(随着COVID-19病例数量的持续增加,我们需要采取更严格的措施。)
- The proliferating weeds in the garden need to be removed.(花园里不断扩散的杂草需要清除。)
- Her responsibilities at work kept augmenting as she took on more projects.(随着她接手更多项目,她在工作上的责任不断增加。)
- The company experienced a reducing number of customers after the scandal.(公司在丑闻后经历了客户数量的减少。)
- We need to find a solution to the decreasing sales figures.(我们需要找到解决销售额下降问题的办法。)
- The multiplying effects of climate change are evident in the increasing frequency of extreme weather events.(气候变化的倍增效应在极端天气事件频率的增加中显而易见。)
- She planted a single seed, and soon the garden was multiplying with colorful flowers.(她种下一颗种子,很快花园里便长满了五颜六色的花朵。)
- The multiplication of digital technology has transformed various industries.(数字技术的繁殖已经改变了各行各业。)
- The multiplier effect of tourism on the local economy cannot be underestimated.(旅游业对当地经济的乘数效应不容小觑。)
- The population multiplicand has been steadily increasing over the past decade.(过去十年中,人口的乘数一直在稳步增长。)
- The product of 6 and 9 is 54.(6和9的乘积是54。)
- The rapid propagation of the virus requires immediate action.(病毒的快速传播需要立即采取行动。)