1. worried: 担心的,忧虑的
- I am worried about the test tomorrow.(我对明天的考试感到担心。)
- She has a worried expression on her face.(她脸上带着忧虑的表情。)
1. worry: 担忧,忧虑
- He has a lot of worries about his job.(他对工作有很多担忧。)
- She tries to avoid unnecessary worries.(她努力避免不必要的忧虑。)
concerns, anxieties, troubles, fears
reliefs, comforts, satisfactions
1. worry (verb): If you worry, you keep thinking about problems or unpleasant things that might happen.
2. worry (noun): If you have a worry or a worry about something, you keep thinking about a problem or about something unpleasant that might happen.
1. worry (verb): Give way to anxiety or unease; allow one's mind to dwell on difficulties or troubles.
2. worry (noun): The state of being anxious and troubled over actual or potential problems.
1. worry (verb):
- Don't worry about the future.(不要担心未来。)
- I worry that I won't be able to finish the project on time.(我担心自己无法按时完成这个项目。)
2. worry (noun):
- She has a lot of worries about her children's education.(她对孩子的教育有很多忧虑。)
- His worries about money keep him awake at night.(对钱的担忧让他晚上睡不着。)
- I am worried that I will fail the exam.(我担心我会考试不及格。)
- She worries about her health because she smokes.(她担心自己的健康,因为她抽烟。)
- His constant worrying is affecting his mental health.(他持续的担忧正在影响他的心理健康。)
- Don't let your worries control your life.(不要让担忧控制你的生活。)
- Their financial worries have been resolved.(他们的财务问题已经解决了。)
- I wish I could stop worrying about what others think of me.(我希望能够不再担心别人对我怎么看。)
- Her worries about the future are keeping her from enjoying the present.(对未来的担忧让她无法享受现在。)
- The doctor assured him that there was no need to worry.(医生向他保证没有必要担心。)
- My worries about the upcoming trip are starting to fade away.(对即将到来的旅行的担忧开始消散了。)
- She has a constant worry that she will be alone for the rest of her life.(她一直担心自己将在余生中孤独一人。)
- Despite her worries, she managed to remain calm.(尽管她担心,但她设法保持冷静。)
- Their worries about the economy have caused them to postpone their plans.(对经济的担忧导致他们推迟了计划。)
- He tried to push his worries aside and focus on the task at hand.(他努力将担忧抛在脑后,专注于手头的任务。)
- His worries turned out to be unfounded.(他的担忧事实证明是没有根据的。)
- She shared her worries with her best friend.(她把自己的担忧与她最好的朋友分享了。)
- Financial worries can cause a lot of stress.(财务担忧会引起很大的压力。)
- He's always full of worries and complaints.(他总是满腹牢骚和抱怨。)
- She has a tendency to magnify her worries.(她有夸大她的担忧的倾向。)
- His worries about the weather ruined his vacation.(对天气的担忧破坏了他的假期。)
- Don't burden yourself with unnecessary worries.(不要让自己背负不必要的忧虑。)