- world economy - 世界经济的
- world economy - 世界经济
- world economy vs. global economy - 世界经济与全球经济
- globalization - 全球化
- economic growth - 经济增长
- international trade - 国际贸易
- financial market - 金融市场
- economic recession - 经济衰退
- global economy
- worldwide economy
- international economy
- national economy - 国民经济
- local economy - 地方经济
world economy
n. the economies of all the countries of the world considered together
world economy
n. the economies of all the countries of the world considered as a whole
- The world economy is experiencing a period of rapid growth. - 世界经济正处于快速增长期。
- The pandemic has had a significant impact on the world economy. - 疫情对世界经济产生了重大影响。
- China plays a crucial role in the world economy. - 中国在世界经济中发挥着关键作用。
- The world economy is heavily reliant on international trade. - 世界经济在很大程度上依赖国际贸易。
- The fluctuations in the world economy affect businesses globally. - 世界经济的波动对全球企业产生影响。
- Technological advancements have transformed the world economy. - 科技进步改变了世界经济。
- The world economy is facing challenges due to increasing protectionism. - 由于保护主义的增加,世界经济面临挑战。
- Efforts are being made to stabilize the world economy after the financial crisis. - 在金融危机之后,人们正在努力稳定世界经济。
- The world economy is expected to recover slowly in the coming years. - 预计未来几年世界经济将缓慢恢复。
- Global cooperation is crucial for the stability of the world economy. - 全球合作对于世界经济的稳定至关重要。
- The world economy is heavily influenced by geopolitical factors. - 世界经济受地缘政治因素的影响很大。
- Investors are closely monitoring the trends in the world economy. - 投资者密切关注着世界经济的走势。
- The world economy is interconnected, with countries relying on each other for growth. - 世界经济相互关联,各国相互依赖实现增长。
- The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a downturn in the world economy. - COVID-19疫情导致世界经济出现下滑。
- Government policies can have a significant impact on the world economy. - 政府政策可以对世界经济产生重大影响。
- International organizations play a key role in promoting cooperation in the world economy. - 国际组织在推动世界经济合作中发挥着关键作用。
- The world economy relies on a stable financial system for growth. - 世界经济依赖稳定的金融体系实现增长。
- Emerging markets are driving the growth of the world economy. - 新兴市场推动着世界经济的增长。
- The world economy is characterized by both competition and cooperation among countries. - 世界经济具有国家间竞争和合作并存的特点。
- Efficient transportation networks are essential for the functioning of the world economy. - 高效的交通网络对于世界经济的运行至关重要。