worms (n.): 蠕虫
tapeworms (n.): 绦虫
earthworms (n.): 蚯蚓
silkworms (n.): 蚕
bookworms (n.): 书虫,指热爱阅读的人
wormy (adj.): 蠕虫的
wormlike (adj.): 蠕虫状的
earthworm (n.): 蚯蚓,用于描述一种生活在土壤中的长而细的蠕虫
tapeworm (n.): 绦虫,一种寄生在动物肠道内的条状蠕虫
bookworm (n.): 书虫,用于形容热爱读书的人
flatworms (n.): 扁虫
roundworms (n.): 线虫
parasitic worms (n.): 寄生虫
threadworms (n.): 蛔虫
vermin (n.): 害虫,指各种害人或害物的小动物,如老鼠、蟑螂等
insect (n.): 昆虫
predator (n.): 捕食者
host (n.): 寄主
Worms (noun)
1. A city in SW Germany, in Rhineland-Palatinate state: one of the oldest towns in Germany. Pop: 73 721 (2003 est). German name: Worms.
2. A small town in S Quebec, Canada, on the St Lawrence River: agricultural trading centre. Pop: 7887 (2006)
3. a river in SW Germany, flowing west to the Rhine. Length: about 96 km (60 miles)
worms (noun)
1. Small lengths of spaghetti or other pasta as sold before cooking.
2. A dance or a series of dance movements performed by a worm-like body motion.
3. A disease in silkworms, bees, or other insects, caused by parasitic worms or their larvae.
He found a worm in his apple. (他在苹果里发现了一条虫子。)
The child loves to play with earthworms. (这个孩子喜欢玩蚯蚓。)
The dog was infested with tapeworms. (这只狗感染了绦虫。)
She is a bookworm and spends all her free time reading. (她是个书虫,所有的空闲时间都在阅读。)
The wood was wormy and full of holes. (这木头有虫蛀,布满了洞。)
I saw a worm crawling on the ground. (我看到一条蠕虫在地上爬行。)
Earthworms are beneficial for soil health. (蚯蚓对土壤健康有益。)
Tapeworms can cause digestive problems in humans. (绦虫会导致人类的消化问题。)
She has been studying the life cycle of silkworms. (她一直在研究蚕的生命周期。)
Many bookworms enjoy spending hours in libraries. (许多书虫喜欢在图书馆里度过几个小时。)
Flatworms are known for their regenerative abilities. (扁虫以其再生能力而闻名。)
Roundworms are common parasites in animals. (线虫是动物中常见的寄生虫。)
Threadworms can cause discomfort in the intestines. (蛔虫会导致肠道不适。)
Vermin control is important for maintaining hygiene. (害虫控制对于保持卫生非常重要。)
Insects play a vital role in pollination. (昆虫在传粉中起着重要作用。)
The lion is a predator at the top of the food chain. (狮子是食物链顶端的捕食者。)
Humans can act as hosts for certain parasites. (人类可以作为某些寄生虫的宿主。)
She loves eating spaghetti worms. (她喜欢吃通心粉虫。)
The children laughed as they did the worm dance. (孩子们做着蠕虫舞时笑了起来。)
The silkworms were infected with a deadly worm disease. (蚕被寄生虫致命病毒感染。)
Worms are often used as bait in fishing. (钓鱼时常用蠕虫作为饵料。)
He noticed the wormy texture of the decaying wood. (他注意到腐烂木材的虫蛀质地。)
The book is filled with interesting facts about worms. (这本书充满了关于蠕虫的有趣事实。)
The dog was scratching himself due to a worm infestation. (因为感染了虫子,这只狗在抓痒。)
The garden has rich soil, perfect for earthworms. (花园的土壤肥沃,非常适合蚯蚓生长。)
She has a collection of books that any bookworm would envy. (她有一套让任何书虫都会羡慕的书籍收藏。)