形容词 (Adjective)
1. 令人担忧的;令人不安的
- worryingly:令人担忧地;令人不安地
- worried:担忧的;忧虑的
- worrisome:令人担忧的;令人不安的
近义词:disturbing, concerning, troubling, alarming
反义词:reassuring, comforting, relieving, soothing
(1) If you say that something is worrying, you mean that it makes you anxious because you think that it might be harmful or dangerous. (INFORMAL)
- The current situation in the Middle East is deeply worrying.
- I find it worrying that she hasn't been in touch for so long.
(2) If you describe someone's behavior or their attitude as worrying, you mean that it makes you anxious because you think that there may be something wrong with them.
- His increasingly worrying behavior led to his resignation.
- Her strange attitude towards money is quite worrying.
(3) If you describe a situation or a set of facts as worrying, you mean that they make you anxious because you think that something bad may happen soon.
- The worrying thing is that there is no obvious solution.
- The worrying rise in unemployment is causing concern.
(1) Causing anxiety or concern.
- There has been a worrying increase in violent crime in the area.
- It is worrying that so many young people are unemployed.
(2) Characterized by anxiety or concern.
- He had a worried expression on his face.
- She's been very worried about her son.
名词 (Noun)
1. 担忧;忧虑
- worrier:担心者;忧虑者
- worrywart:杞人忧天的人;大惊小怪的人
(1) If you have a worry about something, you keep thinking about it and are concerned about it.
- He had his worries, as we all do.
- Don't let worries about your child's eating habits become a battle.
(2) If you say that something or someone is a worry, you mean that they cause you to worry.
- The whole situation is a worry for us.
- She's a real worry to her family.
(1) A state of anxiety and uncertainty over actual or potential problems.
- His son had been a constant source of worry to him.
- The company is facing financial worries.
(2) A person or thing that causes anxiety.
- The child is a constant worry to his parents.
- The company's future is a major worry.