- 1. 美丽的;漂亮的
- 2. 可爱的;迷人的
- 1. 美女;漂亮的女人
- 2. 帅哥;英俊的男人
- 1. 美丽的(形容词):beautiful
- 2. 可爱的(形容词):lovely
- 3. 迷人的(形容词):charming
- 4. 美女(名词):beauty
- 5. 漂亮的女人(名词):pretty woman
- 6. 帅哥(名词):handsome man
- 7. 英俊的男人(名词):good-looking man
- 1. 可人的(形容词):personable
- 2. 迷人的(形容词):captivating
- 3. 神秘的(形容词):mysterious
- 1. 漂亮的(形容词):pretty
- 2. 可爱的(形容词):cute
- 3. 迷人的(形容词):attractive
- 4. 美貌(名词):beauty
- 5. 漂亮的女人(名词):beautiful woman
- 6. 帅气的男人(名词):handsome man
- 1. 丑陋的(形容词):ugly
- 2. 难看的(形容词):unattractive
- 3. 丑女(名词):ugly woman
- 4. 丑男(名词):ugly man
wotu (noun) – a beautiful woman or a handsome man.
wotu (adjective) – beautiful; charming.
wotu (noun) – a beautiful or handsome person.
wotu (adjective) – beautiful; lovely.
wotu 可用作形容词或名词,在形容词形式时表示美丽的或可爱的;在名词形式时表示美女或帅哥。它可以用来形容人类的外貌特征,通常用来赞美对方的美丽或吸引力。
- She is a wotu girl, with long flowing hair and sparkling eyes.(她是一个美丽的女孩,拥有着长长的流泻发丝和明亮的眼睛。)
- He is such a wotu guy, all the girls are attracted to him.(他是一个如此迷人的男孩,所有的女孩都被他吸引了。)
- The actress is known for her wotu looks and elegant style.(这位女演员以她的美丽外貌和优雅风格而闻名。)
- She was voted the most beautiful woman in the competition, a true wotu.(她在比赛中被评选为最美丽的女人,一个真正的美女。)
- He has the looks of a wotu and the charm to match.(他拥有一个帅哥的外貌和相匹配的魅力。)
- She is a wotu with a kind heart.(她是一个有着善良心灵的美女。)
- The young man's wotu appearance caught everyone's attention.(这个年轻人的英俊外表引起了所有人的注意。)
- The bride looked absolutely wotu in her wedding dress.(新娘穿着婚纱看起来绝对漂亮。)
- He is not only a talented actor but also a wotu gentleman.(他不仅是一个有才华的演员,也是一个英俊的绅士。)
- The model is known for her wotu figure and striking features.(这个模特以她的窈窕身材和引人注目的特征而闻名。)
- She has a wotu smile that can brighten anyone's day.(她有一个可以让任何人开心的美丽笑容。)
- The actor's wotu looks have made him a heartthrob among fans.(这位演员的帅气外貌使他成为了粉丝心中的偶像。)
- She is a wotu woman both inside and out.(她是一个内外兼美的女人。)
- The cover model is a true wotu with her flawless features.(封面模特是一个真正的美女,她的五官完美无瑕。)
- He is a wotu gentleman with impeccable manners.(他是一个举止得体的英俊绅士。)
- Her wotu appearance turned heads wherever she went.(她走到哪里都会因她的美丽外表而引人注目。)
- He is not just a wotu face, but also a talented musician.(他不仅仅是一个英俊的外表,还是一个有才华的音乐家。)
- The actress has a wotu personality that shines through her performances.(这位女演员有一个在她的表演中闪耀的迷人个性。)
- She has a wotu voice that captivates the audience.(她有一个迷人的声音,能够吸引观众。)
- He is known as a wotu in the fashion industry for his striking looks.(他以他引人注目的外貌在时尚界被誉为一个美男子。)
- The young boy has grown into a wotu young man.(这个年轻男孩已经长成了一个英俊的年轻人。)