“world war” 翻译介绍
1. 名词
world war [ˌwɜːld wɔːr] (名词) - 世界大战,全球战争。
“world war” 是指涉及多个国家和地区、产生全球性影响的大规模冲突。通常用来指称两次世界大战,即第一次世界大战(World War I)和第二次世界大战(World War II)。
“world war” 与 “global war” 的含义相似,都指代全球性的战争。但是,“world war” 更常用于描述两次世界大战,而 “global war” 可以用来描述其他全球性冲突。
- world wars (名词复数) - 世界大战
- world-war (形容词) - 世界大战的
- global war - 全球战争
- international conflict - 国际冲突
- global conflict - 全球性冲突
- local conflict - 地区冲突
- regional war - 地区战争
2. 形容词
world war [ˌwɜːld wɔːr] (形容词) - 与世界大战有关的。
“world war” 作为形容词,用来描述与世界大战相关的事物或特征。
柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)
world war (名词) - a war that involves countries all over the world
world war (形容词) - of or involving a world war
牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)
world war (名词) - a war involving many large nations in all different parts of the world
world war (形容词) - relating to or characteristic of a world war
- The devastation caused by the world wars led to significant geopolitical changes. (世界大战造成的破坏导致了重大的地缘政治变化。)
- The horrors of world war were captured in many powerful documentaries. (许多有力的纪录片捕捉到了世界大战的恐怖。)
- During the world war, millions of lives were lost. (在世界大战期间,数百万人丧生。)
- He fought bravely in the world wars and was awarded multiple medals. (他在两次世界大战中英勇战斗,并获得多枚勋章。)
- The world witnessed the devastating impact of a world war. (世界目睹了世界大战的毁灭性影响。)
- The two nations were on opposing sides during the world war. (这两个国家在世界大战期间处于对立面。)
- The world-war era was marked by significant technological advancements. (世界大战时代以重大的技术进步为标志。)
- He wrote a book exploring the causes and consequences of world war. (他写了一本探讨世界大战原因和后果的书。)
- The documentary provided a comprehensive overview of the world wars. (这部纪录片全面介绍了两次世界大战。)
- Her grandfather shared his experiences as a soldier during the world war. (她的祖父分享了他在世界大战期间作为士兵的经历。)
- The world-war memorial stands as a reminder of the sacrifices made by soldiers. (世界大战纪念碑提醒人们士兵所作出的牺牲。)
- Historians continue to study the causes and consequences of the world wars. (历史学家继续研究两次世界大战的原因和后果。)
- The world-war documentary received critical acclaim for its insightful storytelling. (这部世界大战纪录片因其独到的叙事获得了好评。)
- She lost her father in the world war and grew up with her mother's stories about him. (她在世界大战中失去了父亲,并且通过母亲的故事长大。)
- The world-war period witnessed significant advancements in aviation technology. (世界大战时期见证了航空技术的重大进步。)
- He dedicated his life to studying the geopolitical consequences of the world wars. (他致力于研究两次世界大战的地缘政治后果。)
- Generations were shaped by the experiences of the world wars. (世界大战的经历塑造了几代人。)
- The world war had a profound impact on the global economy. (世界大战对全球经济产生了深远影响。)
- She interviewed veterans to capture their firsthand accounts of the world wars. (她采访退伍军人,记录下他们对两次世界大战的亲身经历。)
- The world-war strategy involved coordinated attacks from multiple fronts. (世界大战所涉及的战略包括多方面的协同攻击。)