1. 值得的;有价值的
2. 可敬的;高尚的
3. 适当的;相称的
1. 有价值的人;值得尊敬的人
1. worthy vs. deserving
2. worthy vs. worthwhile
1. unworthy(形容词):不值得的;不配的
2. worthiness(名词):值得;尊贵
deserving, meritorious, commendable, noble, honorable
unworthy, undeserving, disreputable
worthy (adj.)
1. (of a person) having suitable qualities or characteristics for a particular role or situation
2. deserving effort, attention, or respect
3. (of a thing) having the qualities or characteristics that make it good or useful
worthy (adj.)
1. having or showing the qualities that deserve the specified action or regard
2. deserving respect or attention
3. good enough; suitable
1. be worthy of + 名词
2. worthy of + 形容词
3. worthy to + 动词不定式
4. a worthy cause/person
5. worthily (副词)
- He is a worthy candidate for the job.(他是这个工作的合适人选。)
- Her efforts were worthy of praise.(她的努力值得称赞。)
- She has dedicated her life to worthy causes.(她把自己的一生都奉献给了有意义的事业。)
- The organization recognized his worthy contributions.(该组织表彰了他的卓越贡献。)
- He received a worthy punishment for his actions.(他因为自己的行为受到了应有的惩罚。)
- The book provides worthy advice on financial planning.(这本书给出了有益的理财建议。)
- The event was attended by many local worthies.(许多当地的尊贵人物参加了这个活动。)
- We should listen to the opinions of the worthies in our community.(我们应该听取社区里有见地的人的意见。)
- She is a worthy recipient of this award.(她是该奖项的当之无愧的获得者。)
- The charity provides support to deserving individuals.(这家慈善机构向应得帮助的人提供支持。)
- It is a worthy cause to support.(支持这个事业是值得的。)
- Investing in education is always worthwhile.(投资于教育总是值得的。)
- I felt unworthy of their trust.(我觉得自己不配得到他们的信任。)
- His actions were deemed unworthy of his position.(他的行为被认为与他的职位不相称。)
- She proved her worthiness by completing the project ahead of schedule.(她提前完成了这个项目,证明了自己的能力。)
- His worthiness as a leader is unquestionable.(他作为领导者的能力是无可质疑的。)