中英词典 - wtv
1. (abbreviation for whatever) 中文解释:无论什么;不管什么 例句:You can wear wtv clothes you want to the party.(你可以穿你想穿的任何衣服去参加派对。) 2. (abbreviation for what's the value) 中文解释:价值多少;价值是多少 例句:I'm not sure about the worth of this antique, wtv.(我不确定这件古董值多少钱。)名词
1. (abbreviation for water transfer printing) 中文解释:水转印 例句:The phone case was decorated using the wtv technique.(这个手机壳是用水转印技术装饰的。) 2. (abbreviation for World Taekwondo Federation) 中文解释:世界跆拳道联合会 例句:She has been selected to represent her country in the wtv championships.(她被选中代表国家参加世界跆拳道联合会锦标赛。)词语辨析
wtv vs. whatever 这两个缩写都是表示“无论什么”的意思,可以互换使用。词汇扩充
wtv - (abbreviation for whatever) - (abbreviation for what's the value) - (abbreviation for water transfer printing) - (abbreviation for World Taekwondo Federation)近义词
whatever, anything, everything反义词
specific, particular柯林斯词典
- Wtv is commonly used in informal written communication, such as text messages or online chats. - It is often used to indicate indifference, flexibility, or a lack of concern. - As a noun, wtv can refer to different things depending on the context, such as water transfer printing or the World Taekwondo Federation.例句
- You can wear wtv clothes you want to the party.(你可以穿你想穿的任何衣服去参加派对。)
- I'm not sure about the worth of this antique, wtv.(我不确定这件古董值多少钱。)
- The phone case was decorated using the wtv technique.(这个手机壳是用水转印技术装饰的。)
- She has been selected to represent her country in the wtv championships.(她被选中代表国家参加世界跆拳道联合会锦标赛。)
- Wtv you decide, I'll support you.(不管你决定什么,我都会支持你。)
- Do wtv makes you happy.(做让你开心的事情。)
- He doesn't care about wtv others think of him.(他不在乎别人对他的看法。)
- She asked him for advice, but he just replied with a simple "wtv."(她向他征求意见,但他只是简单地回答了一句“无所谓”。)
- I'm not sure wtv is the best choice for dinner tonight.(我不确定今晚晚餐吃什么最好。)
- Wtv the weather, we'll still have a great time.(无论天气如何,我们仍然会过得很愉快。)
- He tried to explain his feelings, but she just responded with a dismissive "wtv."(他试图解释自己的感受,但她只是不屑地回答了一句“无所谓”。)
- She's involved in the wtv industry and has extensive knowledge about water transfer printing.(她从事水转印行业,并且对此有很深的了解。)
- He is a black belt in the wtv and has won several international taekwondo championships.(他是世界跆拳道联合会的黑带,曾赢得过多次国际跆拳道锦标赛。)
- Wtv happens, I'll be there for you.(无论发生什么,我都会在你身边。)
- I don't really care about wtv they say, I know who I am.(我并不在乎他们说什么,我知道我是谁。)
- She used the wtv technique to create a unique pattern on the ceramic vase.(她使用了水转印技术,在陶瓷花瓶上制作了独特的图案。)
- As a member of the wtv, he has access to exclusive training resources.(作为世界跆拳道联合会的成员,他可以使用独家的训练资源。)
- He won a gold medal at the wtv championships last year.(他去年在世界跆拳道联合会锦标赛上获得了金牌。)
- Wtv the outcome, I'm proud of my performance.(无论结果如何,我为自己的表现感到自豪。)
- She asked for wtv advice they could give her to improve her painting skills.(她向他们征求任何能提高她绘画技巧的建议。)
- Wtv you want to do with your life, make sure it brings you happiness.(无论你想用生活做什么,确保它给你带来快乐。)