1. WTP的中文翻译
WTP(Will to Pay)的中文翻译为“愿意支付”。
2. WTP的名词含义
WTP(Willingness to Pay): 愿意支付的程度或金额。
WTP(Wastewater Treatment Plant): 污水处理厂。
3. WTP的形容词含义
WTP(Willing to Participate): 愿意参与的。
4. 词语辨析
WTP与WTA(Willingness to Accept)相对,后者表示愿意接受的程度或金额。
5. 词汇扩充
WTP(With The Program): 随时准备,愿意配合。
6. 近义词
WTP: Payment Willingness
7. 反义词
WTA: Willingness to Accept
8. 柯林斯词典对WTP的解释
WTP (noun)
1. (business) 愿意支付的程度或金额。
2. (environment) 污水处理厂。
9. 牛津词典对WTP的解释
10. WTP的用法
- 他们对这项服务的
- 昨天,我在公司会议上强调了我们的
- 我们需要评估消费者的
11. 相关例句
Consumers' WTP for organic products has increased in recent years. (消费者对有机产品的愿意支付程度近年来有所增加。)
We conducted a study to measure customers' WTP for the new product. (我们进行了一项研究来测量顾客对这个新产品的愿意支付程度。)
The government is considering raising taxes on luxury goods to test consumers' WTP. (政府正在考虑提高奢侈品税以测试消费者的愿意支付程度。)
The company's pricing strategy is based on understanding the customers' WTP. (该公司的定价策略是基于对顾客愿意支付程度的理解。)
We need to determine the WTP of our target market before setting the price. (在定价之前,我们需要确定目标市场的愿意支付程度。)
The city invested in building a new WTP to improve water quality. (该市进行了投资,建设了一座新的污水处理厂,以改善水质。)
The WTP was designed to handle the increasing amount of wastewater in the area. (这座污水处理厂的设计是为了处理该地区不断增加的废水量。)
The government plans to upgrade the existing WTP to meet stricter environmental regulations. (政府计划升级现有的污水处理厂,以满足更严格的环境法规。)
She has a strong WTP and is willing to contribute to the project. (她有很强的参与意愿,愿意为项目做出贡献。)
His high WTP makes him a valuable asset to the team. (他高度的参与意愿使他成为团队的宝贵资产。)
The success of the event relies on the volunteers' WTP to help organize it. (活动的成功取决于志愿者参与的意愿,愿意帮助组织。)
He joined the project with a strong WTP and actively contributed his ideas. (他怀着强烈的参与意愿加入了项目,并积极贡献了自己的想法。)
We need to assess the team members' WTP before assigning tasks. (在分配任务之前,我们需要评估团队成员的参与意愿。)
Her WTP to learn and improve is evident in her dedication to professional development. (她对学习和提升的参与意愿在她对职业发展的投入中显而易见。)
They conducted a survey to measure employees' WTP for training programs. (他们进行了一项调查,以测量员工对培训计划的参与意愿。)
His low WTP for teamwork was evident as he often preferred to work alone. (由于他经常喜欢独自工作,他对团队合作的低参与意愿是显而易见的。)
The success of the project relied on the team members' high WTP and collaboration. (项目的成功依赖于团队成员的高参与意愿和合作。)
They offered a bonus to increase employees' WTP for overtime work. (他们提供了奖金,以增加员工对加班工作的愿意支付程度。)
His WTP for the product was higher than the listed price. (他对该产品的愿意支付程度高于标价。)
Customers' WTP for the luxury brand remains strong despite the high prices. (尽管价格高昂,但顾客对这个奢侈品牌的愿意支付程度仍然很高。)