1. 濒危的 2. 世界自然基金会的名词
1. 世界自然基金会 2. 世界摔角娱乐联盟 3. 世界野生生物基金会 4. 世界摔角联盟词语辨析
世界自然基金会 (World Wildlife Fund) 和世界摔角娱乐联盟 (World Wrestling Federation) 是指完全不同的组织。
WWF,全称为World Wide Fund for Nature,即世界自然基金会,是一个国际性的非政府组织,致力于保护自然环境和野生动植物。
WWF 是World Wide Fund for Nature的缩写,是一个国际性的非政府组织,致力于保护自然环境和野生动植物。
WWF 是一个常见的缩略词,可以在正式和非正式语境中使用。
WWF 是World Wide Fund for Nature的缩写,是一个国际性的非政府组织,致力于保护自然环境和野生动植物。
WWF 是一个常见的缩略词,可以在正式和非正式语境中使用。
- WWF is dedicated to protecting endangered species around the world. (WWF致力于保护世界各地的濒危物种。)
- He works for WWF as a conservationist. (他在世界自然基金会工作,担任保护主义者。)
- WWF has launched a campaign to raise awareness about climate change. (世界自然基金会发起了一场宣传活动,提高人们对气候变化的意识。)
- The WWF logo features a panda. (世界自然基金会的标志是一只熊猫。)
- WWF is one of the largest and most influential environmental organizations in the world. (世界自然基金会是世界上最大、最有影响力的环保组织之一。)
- WWF is committed to conserving the world's natural resources. (世界自然基金会致力于保护世界的自然资源。)
- The WWF wrestling match was a highly anticipated event. (世界摔角联盟的摔角比赛是一场备受期待的盛事。)
- She is a fan of the WWF and watches their matches regularly. (她是世界摔角联盟的粉丝,经常观看他们的比赛。)
- WWF wrestlers are known for their athleticism and showmanship. (世界摔角联盟的摔跤手以其运动能力和表演能力闻名。)
- WWF has been working to protect endangered species for over 50 years. (世界自然基金会致力于保护濒危物种已经超过50年了。)
- The WWF aims to create a world where humans and nature can thrive together. (世界自然基金会的目标是创造一个人类和自然可以共同繁荣的世界。)
- WWF is actively involved in conservation projects around the globe. (世界自然基金会积极参与全球的保护项目。)
- She donated money to WWF to support their conservation efforts. (她向世界自然基金会捐款,以支持他们的保护工作。)
- WWF is working to combat illegal wildlife trade. (世界自然基金会致力于打击非法野生动物贸易。)
- The WWF has partnered with local communities to establish protected areas. (世界自然基金会与当地社区合作,建立了保护区域。)
- WWF has been instrumental in raising awareness about the importance of biodiversity. (世界自然基金会在提高人们对生物多样性重要性的意识方面起到了重要作用。)
- WWF is working towards a sustainable future for our planet. (世界自然基金会致力于为我们的星球创造一个可持续的未来。)
- The WWF wrestling event drew a large crowd of enthusiastic fans. (世界摔角联盟的摔角赛事吸引了一大群热情的粉丝。)
- WWF wrestlers often perform daring and acrobatic moves in the ring. (世界摔角联盟的摔跤手经常在比赛中表演大胆和杂技般的动作。)
- WWF has successfully reintroduced several species back into the wild. (世界自然基金会成功地将几种物种重新引入野外。)
- WWF aims to protect the natural habitats of endangered animals. (世界自然基金会旨在保护濒危动物的自然栖息地。)