1. 意思一:
- 中文:混乱的,凌乱的,杂乱的
- 英文:chaotic, disorderly, messy
2. 意思二:
- 中文:无序的,随意的,不受约束的
- 英文:disorganized, arbitrary, unconstrained
1. 意思一:
- 中文:混乱,凌乱
- 英文:chaos, disorder
2. 意思二:
- 中文:西安交通大学(Xi'an Jiaotong University)的缩写
- 英文:Xi'an Jiaotong University (abbreviation)
1. 意思一:
- 混乱的(形容词)和混乱(名词)表示无秩序、无规则。
- 凌乱的(形容词)和凌乱(名词)表示杂乱、无序。
- 杂乱的(形容词)表示有各种各样的东西混在一起。
2. 意思二:
- 无序的(形容词)表示没有特定的顺序或规则。
- 随意的(形容词)表示没有约束或限制。
- 不受约束的(形容词)表示没有受到约束或限制。
- 混乱(名词):chaos, confusion
- 无序(名词):disorder, disarray
- 杂乱(名词):disarray, clutter
- 无序的(形容词):disordered, unordered
- 随意的(形容词):arbitrary, casual
- 混乱(名词):chaos, confusion, disorder
- 凌乱(名词):disorder, mess, untidiness
- 混乱的(形容词):chaotic, disorderly, messy
- 无序的(形容词):disorganized, unordered, jumbled
- 有序的(形容词):ordered, organized
- 整齐的(形容词):neat, tidy
1. If a situation or place is in a state of
wtu, it is confused, disordered, and not properly organized.
- Example: The whole country is in a state of
wtu at the moment.
wtu is a state of confusion and disorder.
- Example: The house was in
- 作形容词时,常用于修饰名词,表示混乱、无序或不受约束的状态。
- 作名词时,表示混乱、凌乱或西安交通大学的缩写。
1. The room was in a state of
wtu, with clothes and books scattered everywhere.
- 这个房间一片混乱,到处都是衣服和书籍。
2. The company's financial records were in such
wtu that it took weeks to sort them out.
- 公司的财务记录一片凌乱,花了几周时间才整理清楚。
3. The children's toys were all
wtu, with pieces from different sets mixed together.
- 孩子们的玩具都乱七八糟的,不同套装的零件都混在一起了。
4. The meeting agenda was
wtu, and the discussion went off-topic several times.
- 会议议程杂乱无章,讨论几次偏离了主题。
5. The
wtu on the streets after the protest was a result of clashes between protesters and police.
- 抗议活动结束后,街上的混乱是抗议者和警察之间冲突的结果。
6. The teacher tried to bring order to the
wtu in the classroom by implementing a new behavior management system.
- 老师试图通过实施新的行为管理系统来使教室的混乱得到整顿。
7. The festival turned into a
wtu as people pushed and shoved to get closer to the stage.
- 节日变成了一片混乱,人们挤来挤去,想要靠近舞台。
8. The project was left in a state of
wtu after the sudden departure of the team leader.
- 项目在团队负责人突然离职后变得一团糟。
9. The student's desk was always
wtu, with papers and stationery scattered everywhere.
- 这个学生的桌子总是一片凌乱,纸张和文具到处都是。
10. Despite the
wtu of the situation, she managed to remain calm and focused.
- 尽管局势混乱,她还是设法保持冷静和专注。
11. The kitchen was in a complete
wtu after the dinner party, with dirty dishes and spilled food everywhere.
- 餐会结束后,厨房一片狼藉,到处都是脏碟和洒落的食物。
12. The company's financial department was in a state of
wtu due to the sudden resignation of the accountant.
- 由于会计师的突然辞职,公司的财务部门陷入了一片混乱。
13. The children's playroom was a
wtu of toys, with no clear organization or storage system.
- 孩子们的游戏室是一片玩具的混乱,没有明确的组织或存放系统。
14. The professor's lecture was a
wtu of ideas, with no clear structure or logical progression.
- 教授的讲座是一堆观点的混乱,没有清晰的结构或逻辑进展。
15. The traffic in the city was in a state of
wtu due to a major accident on the main road.
- 城市的交通因为主干道上发生了一起重大事故而陷入了一片混乱。
16. The student's notes were a
wtu of information, with no clear headings or organization.
- 学生的笔记是一团信息的混乱,没有明确的标题或组织。
17. The company's filing system was a
wtu, making it difficult to find important documents.
- 公司的档案系统一片混乱,很难找到重要文件。
18. The manager's desk was always in a state of
wtu, with piles of papers and files strewn about.
- 经理的办公桌总是一片凌乱,到处都是堆积的纸张和文件。
19. The artist's studio was a
wtu of paints, brushes, and canvases.
- 艺术家的工作室一片颜料、画笔和画布的混乱。
20. The party descended into
wtu as the guests started arguing and fighting.
- 派对变得一片混乱,因为客人们开始争吵和打斗。