writer 和 author 都可以翻译为“作家”,但在一些情况下两者有所不同。可以说,writer 是一个更加广泛的术语,指的是任何写作的人,不论其作品的质量或类型如何。而author 则更常用于指代已经出版了书籍或文章的人。
1. writer
- She is a well-known writer in the literary world.(她是文坛上有名的作家。)
- Many aspiring writers dream of becoming bestselling authors.(许多有抱负的写作者梦想成为畅销书作家。)
1. writer
- He has developed a unique writer's style.(他已经形成了独特的写作风格。)
- She is known for her writer's block when it comes to starting a new project.(她在开始新项目时常常出现写作障碍。)
writer 这个词还可以与其他词汇结合形成一些相关的短语和专有名词,如:
- writer's block: 写作障碍
- writer's workshop: 作家研讨会
- writer's retreat: 作家修炼营
- ghostwriter: 幕后撰稿人
writer 的近义词包括:
- author: 作者
- novelist: 小说家
- poet: 诗人
- scribe: 抄写员
- essayist: 散文家
writer 的反义词是reader(读者)。
writer 在柯林斯词典中被定义为:
A writer is a person who writes books, stories, or articles as a job or regular occupation.
writer 在牛津词典中被定义为:
A writer is a person who has written a particular document or who writes books or articles as an occupation.
writer 是一个常用的词汇,可以用于描述任何进行写作的人。它可以作为一个名词或形容词使用。
- The famous writer published a new novel last week.(这位著名的作家上周出版了一本新小说。)
- She is a talented writer with a unique storytelling style.(她是一位有才华的作家,拥有独特的叙事风格。)
- As a writer, he always aims to inspire his readers through his words.(作为一名作家,他总是希望通过他的文字来激励读者。)
- Many aspiring writers attend writing workshops to improve their skills.(许多有抱负的写作者参加写作研讨会来提高自己的技巧。)
- She is known for her ability to capture emotions in her writing.(她因能够在写作中捕捉到情感而闻名。)
- The writer carefully crafted each sentence to create a vivid description of the setting.(这位作家精心打造每一个句子,以创造一个生动的场景描写。)
- He is a freelance writer who contributes articles to various publications.(他是一名自由撰稿人,为各种出版物撰写文章。)
- The young writer won a prestigious literary award for her debut novel.(这位年轻的作家凭借她的首部小说获得了一项重要的文学奖。)
- She is often praised for her powerful writing style that resonates with readers.(她常常因她那与读者产生共鸣的有力写作风格而受到赞扬。)
- The writer spent months researching and interviewing subjects for his non-fiction book.(这位作家花了数月时间对他的非虚构书籍进行研究和采访。)
- She is a versatile writer who can easily switch between different genres.(她是一位多才多艺的作家,可以轻松地在不同的文体之间切换。)
- The writer expressed her thoughts and feelings through her poetry.(这位作家通过她的诗歌表达了她的思想和感情。)
- The writer is known for his witty and humorous writing style.(这位作家以他机智幽默的写作风格而闻名。)
- Writing has always been his true passion, and he feels most alive when he is putting pen to paper.(写作一直是他真正的激情,他觉得自己在动笔时最有活力。)
- The writer submitted her manuscript to several publishers in hopes of getting it published.(这位作家向几家出版商提交了她的手稿,希望能出版。)
- He has been working as a writer for over a decade and has published numerous novels.(他已经担任作家职业十多年了,并出版了许多小说。)
- The writer was inspired by her own life experiences to create a compelling memoir.(这位作家受到自己的生活经历的启发,创作了一本引人入胜的回忆录。)
- The writer was praised for her ability to depict complex characters with depth and authenticity.(这位作家因其描绘出具有深度和真实感的复杂角色的能力而受到赞扬。)
- His latest writing project is a screenplay for a Hollywood film.(他最新的写作项目是为一部好莱坞电影撰写剧本。)
- The writer uses vivid metaphors and imagery to transport the reader into another world.(这位作家使用生动的隐喻和意象将读者带入另一个世界。)