1. writeback
英 [ˈraɪtˌbæk] 美 [ˈraɪtˌbæk]
1. writeback
英 [ˈraɪtˌbæk] 美 [ˈraɪtˌbæk]
1. write back
2. write-back
3. write-through
writeback的近义词包括:write-behind、lazy write
writeback (noun)
A writeback is a feature in computer systems where data is written in the reverse order to which it was read from memory. This is often used in microcontrollers to allow efficient access to memory in both directions.
writeback (noun)
A feature of a computer system by which data is written back to a storage device from which it was read in a different order from that in which it was read.
- The cache uses a writeback policy to improve performance. (该缓存使用反写策略来提高性能。)
- Please configure the system to enable writeback caching. (请配置系统以启用反写缓存。)
- By using writeback mode, the system can reduce the number of write operations to the main memory. (通过使用写回模式,系统可以减少对主存的写操作次数。)
- The writeback process is triggered when the cache line needs to be replaced. (当缓存行需要被替换时,触发反写过程。)
- The writeback mechanism ensures that data consistency is maintained. (反写机制确保了数据的一致性。)
- In writeback caching, the data is first written to the cache and then written to the main memory at a later time. (在反写缓存中,数据首先被写入缓存,然后在以后的某个时间被写入主存。)
- The writeback operation can be delayed to optimize the use of system resources. (可以延迟反写操作以优化系统资源的使用。)
- The writeback policy of the cache can be configured based on the application requirements. (可以根据应用程序的需求配置缓存的反写策略。)
- Ensure that the writeback data is securely stored before powering off the system. (在关闭系统之前,请确保反写数据被安全地存储。)
- When using writeback mode, it is important to handle cache coherence correctly. (在使用写回模式时,正确处理缓存一致性非常重要。)
- The writeback process can be initiated manually or automatically based on specific conditions. (反写过程可以根据特定条件手动或自动启动。)
- Writeback caching can significantly improve the performance of memory-intensive applications. (反写缓存可以显著提高内存密集型应用程序的性能。)
- The writeback operation requires careful synchronization to avoid data corruption. (反写操作需要进行仔细的同步以避免数据损坏。)
- The writeback policy determines when and how data is written back to the main memory. (反写策略确定了数据何时以及如何写回主存。)
- Using writeback mode can reduce the latency of memory accesses. (使用写回模式可以减少内存访问的延迟。)
- The writeback mechanism ensures that the cache and main memory remain consistent. (反写机制确保缓存和主存保持一致。)
- By implementing writeback caching, the system can optimize the utilization of available memory. (通过实现反写缓存,系统可以优化可用内存的利用。)
- The writeback process is triggered by a cache miss. (缓存未命中时会触发反写过程。)
- Writeback mode allows for delayed writes to reduce the impact of memory latency. (写回模式允许延迟写入以减少内存延迟的影响。)
- The writeback operation can be performed in the background to avoid interrupting other tasks. (反写操作可以在后台执行,以避免中断其他任务。)