1. wyvern-like: 类似于翼手龙的
1. 翼手龙(一种传说中的龙形生物)
2. 据说在13世纪时出现在欧洲文学和传说中的翼手龙
1. dragon: 龙
2. mythical creature: 神话中的生物
3. legendary creature: 传说中的生物
dragon, mythical creature, legendary creature
real dragon
wyvern (ˈwaɪvərn)
1. (传说中的)翼手龙
2. (13世纪的)翼手龙
3. 类似于翼手龙的
wyvern (/ˈwaɪv(ə)rn/)
1. 翼手龙(传说中的生物)
2. 类似于翼手龙的
1. The wyvern soared through the sky, its wings outstretched.
2. Legends often speak of brave knights slaying wyverns to protect their kingdom.
3. The creature depicted on the ancient tapestry resembles a wyvern.
4. The wyvern's venomous bite proved fatal to its prey.
5. The wyvern's sharp talons gripped onto the tree branch.
- The wyvern soared through the sky, its wings outstretched. (翼手龙在天空中翱翔,展翅飞行。)
- Legends often speak of brave knights slaying wyverns to protect their kingdom. (传说中勇敢的骑士经常击杀翼手龙来保护他们的王国。)
- The creature depicted on the ancient tapestry resembles a wyvern. (古老挂毯上描绘的生物类似于翼手龙。)
- The wyvern's venomous bite proved fatal to its prey. (翼手龙的有毒咬伤对其猎物来说是致命的。)
- The wyvern's sharp talons gripped onto the tree branch. (翼手龙的锋利爪子紧紧抓住树枝。)
- In medieval literature, wyverns were often portrayed as fearsome creatures. (在中世纪文学中,翼手龙常常被描绘成可怕的生物。)
- The wyvern's scales glistened in the sunlight. (翼手龙的鳞片在阳光下闪闪发光。)
- According to legend, the wyvern guarded a hidden treasure deep within the cave. (根据传说,翼手龙守护着洞穴深处的隐藏宝藏。)
- The wyvern let out a deafening roar, causing the villagers to flee in fear. (翼手龙发出震耳欲聋的咆哮声,使村民们惊恐地逃离。)
- The wyvern's wings spanned an impressive twenty feet. (翼手龙的翅膀展开有令人印象深刻的20英尺长。)
- As the wyvern swooped down, its sharp fangs were ready to strike. (当翼手龙俯冲而下时,它锋利的尖牙已经准备好攻击。)
- The wyvern's fiery breath could reduce anything in its path to ashes. (翼手龙的火焰吐息可以将其路径上的任何东西化为灰烬。)
- The brave knight faced the wyvern head-on, sword raised high. (勇敢的骑士迎着翼手龙,高举着剑。)
- The wyvern's tail lashed out, knocking over everything in its wake. (翼手龙的尾巴猛击,将其经过的一切都击倒。)
- According to ancient lore, the wyvern was a symbol of strength and power. (根据古老的传说,翼手龙是力量和权力的象征。)
- The wyvern's eyes glowed with an otherworldly light, instilling fear in all who encountered it. (翼手龙的眼睛散发着超凡的光芒,让遭遇它的人们感到恐惧。)
- The villagers sought the guidance of a wise elder to protect them from the wyvern's wrath. (村民们寻求睿智长者的指导,以保护他们免受翼手龙的愤怒。)
- The wyvern's scaly hide provided excellent protection against attacks. (翼手龙的鳞甲提供了优秀的防御,抵挡攻击。)
- Stories of wyverns have been passed down through generations. (翼手龙的故事已经代代相传。)
- The wyvern's mighty wings created a strong gust of wind as it took off. (翼手龙起飞时,强劲的翅膀产生了一股强风。)