xenon /ˈziːnɒn/ (adj.) 1. 氙的;氙气的名词
xenon /ˈziːnɒn/ (n.) 1. 【化学】氙(符号为Xe,原子序数为54,属于稀有气体) 2. 【光】氙灯(一种使用氙气的强光源)词语辨析
词汇扩充 - xenon arc lamp:氙弧灯 - xenon gas:氙气 - xenon headlight:氙气车头灯 近义词 - argon:氩 - krypton:氪 - neon:氖 - radon:氡 反义词 - oxygen:氧气 - nitrogen:氮气 - hydrogen:氢气柯林斯词典
xenon (ˈziːnɒn) 名词 1. 【化学】氙 (符号为Xe,原子序数为54,属于稀有气体) 2. 【光】氙灯 (一种使用氙气的强光源)牛津词典
xenon /ˈziːnɒn/ 名词 1. 【化学】氙 (符号为Xe,原子序数为54,属于稀有气体) 2. 【光】氙灯 (一种使用氙气的强光源)用法
- Xenon is a chemical element found in the Earth's atmosphere. It is often used in lighting systems, such as xenon headlights and xenon arc lamps. (氙是一种在地球大气中发现的化学元素。它经常用于照明系统,如氙气车头灯和氙弧灯。) - The xenon gas is known for its ability to produce a bright and intense light when an electric current is passed through it. (当电流通过氙气时,氙气以其产生明亮而强烈的光线的能力而闻名。) - Xenon lamps are commonly used in photography to provide a high-intensity light source for capturing clear and detailed images. (氙灯通常用于摄影,为捕捉清晰而详细的图像提供高强度光源。)相关例句
- The spacecraft uses xenon gas as fuel for its propulsion system. (该航天器使用氙气作为推进系统的燃料。)
- Xenon headlights are more energy-efficient and have a longer lifespan compared to traditional halogen headlights. (与传统的卤素车头灯相比,氙气车头灯更节能且寿命更长。)
- The xenon arc lamp emits a bright white light that closely resembles natural sunlight. (氙弧灯发出一种明亮的白光,非常接近自然阳光。)
- She replaced the old light bulbs with xenon bulbs to brighten up the room. (她用氙灯泡替换了旧的白炽灯泡,让房间更明亮。)
- Xenon gas is used in certain medical imaging techniques to enhance the visibility of organs and tissues. (氙气在某些医学影像技术中被用来增强器官和组织的可见度。)
- The xenon flash on the camera helps to capture sharp and well-lit photos in low-light conditions. (相机上的氙闪光灯有助于在光线较暗的情况下拍摄清晰明亮的照片。)
- Researchers are studying the potential applications of xenon in anesthesia and neuroprotection. (研究人员正在研究氙气在麻醉和神经保护方面的潜在应用。)
- Xenon is a noble gas that is chemically inert and does not readily react with other elements. (氙是一种惰性气体,化学上不活泼,不容易与其他元素发生反应。)
- The high cost of xenon gas limits its widespread use in commercial lighting. (氙气的高成本限制了其在商业照明中的广泛使用。)
- Scientists have discovered a new compound that combines xenon with other elements to create a stable and reactive substance. (科学家们发现了一种将氙与其他元素结合以形成稳定而具有反应性的物质的新化合物。)
- The xenon detector is sensitive to small amounts of radiation and is used in nuclear power plants for safety monitoring. (氙气探测器对微量辐射非常敏感,被用于核电厂的安全监测。)
- The xenon content in the Earth's atmosphere is extremely low, making it a rare and valuable element. (地球大气中的氙含量极低,使其成为一种稀有而有价值的元素。)
- Xenon lights are commonly used in underwater photography due to their ability to penetrate the water and illuminate the subject. (由于氙灯具有穿透水下并照亮拍摄对象的能力,它们常被用于水下摄影。)
- The xenon atom has 54 protons and belongs to the group of noble gases on the periodic table. (氙原子有54个质子,属于周期表上的稀有气体族。)
- During the experiment, the researchers observed the emission spectrum of xenon gas using a spectrometer. (在实验中,研究人员使用光谱仪观察了氙气的发射光谱。)
- Xenon is used in certain laser systems to generate a powerful and concentrated beam of light. (氙气在某些激光系统中用于产生强大而集中的光束。)
- The spacecraft's xenon propulsion system allows it to travel at high speeds in outer space. (航天器的氙推进系统使其能够在外太空中以高速行驶。)
- The xenon arc lamp is commonly used in cinema projectors for its ability to produce a bright and steady light source. (氙弧灯因其产生明亮稳定的光源的能力而常用于电影放映机中。)
- Xenon gas is often used as a contrast agent in medical imaging to improve the visibility of certain tissues and blood vessels. (氙气常被用作医学影像学中的对比剂,以提高某些组织和血管的可见度。)
- The xenon headlights on the car provide a wider and brighter beam of light, improving visibility at night. (汽车上的氙气车头灯提供了更宽、更亮的光束,改善了夜间的可见度。)
- Due to its high reactivity, xenon compounds are not commonly found in nature. (由于其高反应性,氙化合物在自然界中并不常见。)