- mythical [形]:神话的,虚构的
- mythological [形]:神话的,神话学的
- myth [名]:神话,神话故事
myth 和 legend 都指传说或故事,但有一些区别。传说是讲述历史人物、英雄或事件的故事,可能有一定的历史基础,而神话则是关于神灵和超自然现象的故事,通常不涉及真实历史事件。
- mythology [名]:神话学,神话体系
- mythical creature [名]:神话生物
- mythicize [动]:神话化
- mythographer [名]:神话学家
- mythopoeic [形]:创造神话的
- legend:传说
- fable:寓言
- tale:故事
- reality:现实
- truth:真相
- fact:事实
1. We studied ancient myths and legends in our history class.
2. The story of King Arthur is a famous myth.
3. The unicorn is a mythical creature.
4. The poet mythologized the hero's journey.
5. The professor is a renowned mythographer in the field of mythology.
- We grew up listening to myths and legends from different cultures. - 我们在不同文化中长大,听着各种神话和传说。
- In Greek mythology, Zeus is the king of the gods. - 在希腊神话中,宙斯是众神之王。
- The story of Pandora's Box is a well-known myth. - 潘多拉之盒的故事是一个众所周知的神话。
- The creature in the legend was said to be half-human and half-beast. - 传说中的生物据说是半人半兽。
- He retold the myth of the creation of the world in his novel. - 他在小说中重新讲述了世界的创造神话。
- Mermaids and dragons are examples of mythical creatures. - 美人鱼和龙是神话生物的例子。
- The artist mythologized the historical figure, turning him into a legendary hero. - 艺术家将这位历史人物神话化,将他变成了一个传奇英雄。
- She is an expert in mythology and has written several books on the subject. - 她是神话学方面的专家,已经写了几本相关的书。
- In ancient times, people used myths to explain natural phenomena they couldn't understand. - 在古代,人们用神话来解释他们无法理解的自然现象。
- His paintings often depict scenes from Greek mythology. - 他的画经常描绘希腊神话中的场景。
- The poet's work is filled with mythic imagery and symbolism. - 这位诗人的作品充满了神话般的意象和象征主义。
- The professor is known for his mythological research and publications. - 这位教授以他的神话学研究和出版物而闻名。
- The mythographer collected and documented various myths from different cultures. - 这位神话学家收集并记录了来自不同文化的各种神话。
- Some writers use mythopoeic language to create their own mythic worlds. - 一些作家使用神话创造语言来构建他们自己的神话世界。
- She enjoys reading mythical stories and fairy tales. - 她喜欢阅读神话故事和童话故事。
- He debunked the myth that had been circulating for years. - 他揭穿了流传多年的那个神话。
- The novel explores the myths and legends of the ancient civilization. - 这本小说探索了古代文明的神话和传说。
- The documentary examines the origins of various cultural myths. - 这部纪录片探讨了各种文化神话的起源。
- In some cultures, there is a myth that a black cat crossing your path brings bad luck. - 在某些文化中,有一个迷信,认为一只黑猫穿过你的道路会带来厄运。
- She enjoys reading books on mythology and folklore. - 她喜欢阅读关于神话学和民俗学的书籍。