形容词- 燃烧的;熊熊燃烧的(连续或强烈)
- 明亮的;闪耀的
- 激烈的;猛烈的
- 显著的;引人注目的
- 火焰;烈火
- 疾驰;飞驰
- 烟火;烟花
blaze, flame, fire的区别:
burning, flaming, fiery, brilliant
extinguished, dull, dim
blazed (adj.) - burning fiercely; very bright and intense; conspicuous or easily noticeable; being tritely familiar or hackneyed
blazed (adj.) - burn fiercely or brightly; mark (a tree or path) with a blaze; display (an emotion) openly, or make it public; proceed rapidly and relentlessly
1. The fire blazed in the fireplace, keeping us warm on a cold winter night. (火焰在壁炉中熊熊燃烧,使我们在寒冷的冬夜保持温暖)
2. The stars blazed in the clear night sky. (星星在晴朗的夜空中闪耀)
3. The protesters made their demands in a blazing speech. (抗议者们用激情四溢的演讲表达了他们的要求)
4. The athlete blazed through the race, breaking the world record. (这位运动员在比赛中飞速前进,打破了世界纪录)
5. They blazed a trail through the dense forest. (他们在茂密的森林中开辟了一条道路)
6. Her eyes blazed with anger. (她的眼神中充满了愤怒)
- The campfire blazed brightly, providing warmth on the cold night. (篝火明亮地燃烧着,在寒冷的夜晚提供着温暖)
- The fireworks blazed across the sky, creating a spectacular display. (烟花在天空中绽放,形成了壮观的景象)
- The sun blazed down on the beach, making it a perfect day for swimming. (阳光炽热地照射在海滩上,使得游泳成为完美的选择)
- The angry man's eyes blazed with fury. (愤怒的男子眼中怒火中烧)
- The athlete blazed through the track, winning the race with ease. (这位运动员飞速穿越赛道,轻松赢得比赛)
- The forest was ablaze with autumn colors. (森林因秋天的色彩而明亮起来)
- The singer's performance was a blazing success. (歌手的表演取得了巨大的成功)
- The car blazed a trail through the desert. (汽车在沙漠中开辟了一条道路)
- She blazed a new path in the field of science. (她在科学领域开辟了新的道路)
- The fire blazed out of control, engulfing the entire building. (火势失控,吞噬了整个建筑物)
- The star blazed across the sky, captivating everyone's attention. (那颗星星划过天空,吸引了所有人的注意力)
- The artist used bold, blazing colors in his painting. (艺术家在画作中使用了鲜明、明亮的色彩)
- The blazer is a popular choice for a formal occasion. (这款西服是正式场合的流行选择)
- Her performance on stage was truly blazing. (她在舞台上的表演真的很出色)
- The blazed trees marked the hiking trail. (标记的树木标示了徒步旅行的路径)
- The team blazed a trail to the championship, winning every game. (这支球队一路高歌猛进,赢得了每一场比赛)
- The sun blazed overhead, casting a warm glow on the beach. (太阳在头顶上炽热地照射,给海滩上带来温暖的光芒)
- His eyes blazed with determination. (他的眼神中闪耀着决心)
- The blinding lights of the city blazed in the distance. (城市的灯光在远处闪耀着)
- She blazed a trail in the male-dominated industry. (她在男性主导的行业中开创了一条道路)
- The fire blazed brightly, illuminating the dark room. (火焰明亮地燃烧着,照亮了黑暗的房间)