1. 分隔的;隔离的 - 例句:The wall acts as a divider between the two rooms.(这面墙充当着两个房间之间的隔断。)名词
1. 分隔者;隔离物 - 例句:The fence serves as a divider between the two properties.(这栅栏起到了两处财产之间的分隔作用。) 2. 分隔线;分割线 - 例句:The horizontal divider on the webpage separates the header from the content.(网页上的水平分隔线将页眉与内容分开。) 3. 分配器;隔板 - 例句:The office cubicles are equipped with dividers for privacy.(办公间隔间配备了隔板以保护隐私。)词语辨析
- divider和separator的区别:两者都表示分隔物,但divider强调将事物隔开,而separator强调将事物分开。词汇扩充
- dividing(动词现在分词):分隔的;隔离的 - divided(形容词):被分开的;被隔离的近义词
- partition - boundary - barrier反义词
- unifier - connector柯林斯词典
- divider (noun): A divider is something such as a line, rope, or piece of equipment that you put between two things in order to keep them separate or to separate one thing from another.牛津词典
- divider (noun): A divider is a thing that separates two areas or sets of things.用法
- The divider in the conference room can be moved to create smaller spaces.(会议室中的隔板可以移动,以创造出较小的空间。) - The river acts as a natural divider between the two countries.(这条河充当着两个国家之间的自然分界线。) - She used a divider in her notebook to separate her class notes from her personal journal.(她在笔记本上用隔板将课堂笔记和个人日记分开。) - The divider between the kitchen and the dining area is a breakfast bar.(厨房和餐厅之间的分隔是一个早餐吧台。) - The city's economic disparities have become a divider between the rich and the poor.(这座城市的经济差异成为了贫富之间的隔阂。)例句
- The divider on the highway prevented a head-on collision.(高速公路上的隔离带防止了正面相撞。)
- The office workspace was divided by dividers to provide privacy to each employee.(办公区通过隔板将工作空间划分为不同的员工,以提供隐私。)
- The divider in the storage cabinet helped organize the items neatly.(储物柜中的隔板帮助将物品整齐地分类。)
- The divider wall in the restaurant created a cozy corner for intimate dining.(餐厅中的隔墙为私密用餐创造了一个舒适的角落。)
- She used a divider sheet in her binder to separate different subjects.(她在文件夹中使用了隔板纸将不同的科目分开。)
- The political issue became a divider among the members of the committee.(这个政治问题在委员会成员中造成了分歧。)
- The divider between the living room and the kitchen was a half wall.(客厅和厨房之间的隔断是一面半墙。)
- The divider line on the road indicated the change in lanes.(路上的分隔线标志着车道的变化。)
- He used a divider to mark the sections in his research paper.(他使用隔板标记他的研究论文中的各个部分。)
- The divider between the parking spaces was faded and barely visible.(停车位之间的分隔线已经褪色,几乎看不见了。)
- The divider gate at the entrance controlled the flow of pedestrians.(入口处的隔离闸门控制着行人的流动。)
- They used a divider screen to create a separate area in the open-plan office.(他们使用隔板屏幕在开放式办公室中划出了一个独立的区域。)
- The language barrier acts as a cultural divider between the two communities.(语言障碍成为了两个社区之间的文化隔阂。)
- She used a divider folder to keep her important documents organized.(她用隔板文件夹来整理她的重要文件。)
- The divider between the two lanes was marked by a solid white line.(两个车道之间的分隔线是由一条实线标记的。)
- The divider wall in the office was soundproof to reduce noise.(办公室中的隔墙是隔音的,以减少噪音。)
- He used a divider tool to measure the distance between the two points.(他使用隔板工具来测量两点之间的距离。)
- The divider curtains in the hospital provided privacy for patients in shared rooms.(医院中的隔断窗帘为共享房间的患者提供了隐私。)
- The political issues served as a divider between the two political parties.(这些政治问题成为了两个政党之间的分歧点。)
- She used a divider plate to separate the different types of food on her dinner plate.(她用隔板盘将晚餐盘上的不同食物分开。)
- They installed dividers in the supermarket aisles to guide customers.(他们在超市货架上安装了分隔带来引导顾客。)