1. 存在的;实际的 2. 曾经存在的;已逝去的名词
1. 存在;实在 2. 存在的事物;实体词语辨析
1. existence:存在,实在 2. existing:现存的,现有的 3. nonexistence:不存在,无实体 4. coexist:共存,共处近义词
1. be present:在场,出席 2. be alive:活着,存活 3. be real:真实,实在 4. occur:发生,出现反义词
1. cease to exist:停止存在 2. disappear:消失,失踪 3. vanish:消失,绝迹 4. perish:灭亡,死亡柯林斯词典
existed (past tense & past participle of exist) 1. verb If something exists, it is present in the world as a real thing. 2. verb If you exist, you are alive. 3. verb You can say that someone exists when they are not really living, but you are emphasizing that they seem to be alive in important ways, for example because their work still has a strong influence on people. 4. verb If you say that one thing exists in another, you mean that it is found, especially unexpectedly, in that thing. 5. verb If something exists in a particular place, it is present there. 6. verb You can say that someone exists on a particular amount of money to mean that they manage to live on that amount, especially when it is very small. 7. verb If you say that something exists in a particular situation or for a particular purpose, you mean that it occurs or is used in that situation or for that purpose.牛津词典
existed (past tense & past participle of exist) 1. verb 1. Have objective reality or being. 2. verb Live, especially under adverse conditions. 3. verb Be found, especially in a particular place or situation. 4. verb Have or possess. 5. verb Be known or identified by a particular name. 6. verb Philosophy: Have being in a specified place or with respect to understood limitations or conditions.用法
- "Existed"是"exist"的过去式和过去分词形式。 - "Existed"可以用作及物动词或不及物动词,表示存在、生存、被发现、拥有等含义。 - "Existed"也可以用作名词,表示存在或实体。相关例句
- The dinosaurs existed millions of years ago. (恐龙生存在几百万年前。)
- He existed on very little money. (他靠很少的钱生活。)
- Love and hate can coexist in the same relationship. (爱和恨可以在同一种关系中共存。)
- The evidence existed in the form of photographs. (证据以照片的形式存在。)
- She exists in my memory as a kind and generous person. (她在我的记忆中以善良慷慨的人形象存在。)
- The company no longer exists. (该公司已不复存在。)
- He lived a life of great poverty, but he existed in his art. (他过着极度贫穷的生活,但在他的艺术中他依然生存着。)
- The ancient civilization existed for thousands of years. (古代文明存在了几千年。)
- They discovered a new species that had never before existed. (他们发现了一种以前从未存在过的新物种。)
- The old traditions still exist in some remote villages. (古老的传统在一些偏远的村庄中仍然存在。)
- He only exists in the memories of those who knew him. (他只存在于那些认识他的人的回忆中。)
- She exists on a diet of fruits and vegetables. (她以水果和蔬菜为食维持生存。)
- Do aliens exist? (外星人存在吗?)
- The pain she feels is real; it exists. (她所感受到的痛苦是真实的,它是存在的。)
- He exists in a world of his own. (他生活在自己的世界中。)
- Does life exist on other planets? (其他星球上是否存在生命?)
- He exists solely to serve his own interests. (他的存在仅仅为了服务于自身利益。)
- She exists as a symbol of hope for many people. (她作为希望的象征存在于很多人心中。)
- Existence in this harsh environment is extremely difficult. (在这种恶劣的环境中生存是极其困难的。)
- The evidence exists in the form of video recordings. (证据以录像的形式存在。)
- The threat of nuclear war still exists. (核战争的威胁仍然存在。)