1. 被移走的,被拿走的
2. 获得成功的,变得流行的
3. 被取消的,被剥夺的
1. 起飞
2. 仿制品,模仿品
take off是动词短语,意为“起飞”;而taken off则是过去分词形式,常用作形容词,表示“被移走的,被拿走的”。
take off的其他意思:
1. 脱下(衣物)
2. 突然成功或受欢迎
3. 模仿或仿制
4. 取消或剥夺
5. 突然离开或消失
remove, extract, withdraw, confiscate
put on, add, include, incorporate
taken off (adjective)
- If something such as a film or a book is taken off, it is very successful and popular.
- If something is taken off you or taken off from you, it is removed from you.
taken off (adjective)
- Removed or separated from something.
- Successfully imitated or reproduced.
1. The new movie has really taken off and is breaking box office records.(这部新电影真的很受欢迎,并且打破了票房纪录。)
2. The police officer took off the stolen items from the suspect.(警官从嫌疑犯身上拿走了被盗物品。)
3. The comedian's career really took off after his appearance on the popular TV show.(这位喜剧演员在一档热门电视节目中露面后,事业真的起飞了。)
4. The artist's paintings were taken off and sold as cheap reproductions.(这位艺术家的画作被仿制并以廉价品出售。)
5. The flight was delayed due to bad weather, but it eventually took off at midnight.(由于恶劣天气,航班延误了,但最终在午夜起飞了。)
6. The company taken off all the benefits for its employees.(公司取消了所有员工的福利。)
7. She took off her coat and hung it on the hook.(她脱下外套,挂在挂钩上。)
- The fashion designer's new collection has taken off and is receiving rave reviews from critics.(这位时尚设计师的新系列取得了巨大成功,并收到了评论家们的好评。)
- The stolen artwork was taken off the black market and returned to its rightful owner.(被盗的艺术品从黑市上被夺回,并归还给了合法所有者。)
- The comedian's jokes were taken off by other comedians, but he remained the original and the best.(这位喜剧演员的笑话被其他喜剧演员模仿,但他仍然是最原汁原味、最好的。)
- The plane took off smoothly and the passengers settled in for the long flight.(飞机平稳起飞,乘客们开始适应长途飞行。)
- The company's decision to take off the employee benefits caused a lot of dissatisfaction among the staff.(公司决定取消员工福利,引起了员工们的很多不满。)
- He took off his hat and scratched his head in confusion.(他摘下帽子,困惑地挠了挠头。)
- His career really took off after his song became a hit.(他的事业在他的一首歌大火之后真的起飞了。)
- The actor's performance was so realistic that it took off the audience.(这位演员的表演如此逼真,令观众们赞叹不已。)
- She took off her wedding ring and handed it to him.(她摘下结婚戒指递给了他。)
- The airplane taken off smoothly despite the strong winds.(尽管刮着大风,飞机仍然顺利起飞。)
- He was taken off guard by the sudden slap.(他被突如其来的一巴掌吓了一跳。)
- The company taken off all the outdated products from its inventory.(公司从库存中清除了所有过时的产品。)
- The actor's portrayal of the character was a perfect take off of the original.(这位演员对角色的刻画完美地模仿了原版。)
- The racehorse taken off at a lightning speed.(这匹赛马以闪电般的速度冲刺了起来。)
- The company's profits have really taken off in the past year.(过去一年,公司的利润真的猛增了。)
- The detective taken off his sunglasses and looked around the crime scene.(侦探摘下太阳镜,四处查看犯罪现场。)
- The new restaurant taken off quickly and has become a popular dining spot.(这家新餐厅迅速走红,成为了一个受欢迎的就餐地点。)
- He was taken off the project due to his poor performance.(由于表现不佳,他被撤下了这个项目。)
- The artist's work was taken off from an art gallery without permission.(这位艺术家的作品被未经许可从艺术画廊中拿走了。)
- The company taken off all the old advertisements and replaced them with new ones.(公司取消了所有旧广告,并用新广告取而代之。)
- The bird taken off into the sky, disappearing from sight.(鸟儿冲上天空,消失在视线之中。)