blackhorse (名词)
- A black horse is a horse which is black in colour.
- If you describe someone or something as a black horse, you mean that they are unexpected and that you do not know much about them.
blackhorse (名词)
- A black horse is a horse with black fur or hair.
- Someone or something that is a black horse is a person or thing that is not well known to the public but is expected to be successful or to do well in a competition.
- The blackhorse galloped across the field. (黑马飞奔过田野。)
- He is considered a blackhorse in the competition. (他被认为是比赛中的黑马。)
- The blackhorse won the race against all odds. (黑马在万众瞩目中赢得了比赛。)
- She rode a beautiful black horse. (她骑着一匹漂亮的黑马。)
- The company's success was like a blackhorse emerging from the shadows. (公司的成功就像黑马从阴影中出现一样。)
- The young musician became a blackhorse after his unexpected performance at the concert. (那位年轻音乐家在音乐会上的意外表现让他成为了黑马。)
- They had underestimated him, but he turned out to be a blackhorse. (他们低估了他,但他结果成为了黑马。)
- The blackhorse of the tournament surprised everyone by defeating the reigning champion. (比赛的黑马通过击败卫冕冠军让每个人都感到惊讶。)
- I saw a beautiful black horse roaming freely in the meadow. (我看到一匹美丽的黑马在草地上自由地漫步。)
- The blackhorse stood out among the other horses with its striking coat color. (这匹黑马凭借其醒目的外观在其他马匹中脱颖而出。)
- She bet on the blackhorse to win the race. (她押注黑马会赢得比赛。)
- The blackhorse candidate surprised everyone by winning the election. (黑马候选人通过在选举中获胜让每个人都感到惊讶。)
- The blackhorse team made an unexpected comeback in the final minutes of the game. (黑马队在比赛最后几分钟内意外地卷土重来。)
- He had always been a blackhorse in his field, constantly surprising his colleagues with innovative ideas. (他一直是他所在领域的黑马,通过创新的想法不断让同事们感到惊讶。)
- The blackhorse company, which had been relatively unknown, suddenly became a major player in the industry. (这家相对不知名的黑马公司突然成为了业界的重要参与者。)
- She invested in a blackhorse startup and it turned out to be a wise decision. (她投资了一家黑马初创公司,结果证明这是明智的决定。)
- His unexpected success in the competition made him a blackhorse among his peers. (他在比赛中的意外成功让他在同龄人中成为了一位黑马。)
- The blackhorse player scored the winning goal in the final seconds of the match. (黑马选手在比赛最后几秒钟打进了致胜球。)
- The blackhorse film received critical acclaim and became a box office success. (这部黑马电影获得了好评,并取得了票房成功。)
- She was the blackhorse of the team, always surprising everyone with her skills. (她是团队中的黑马,总是以她的技巧让每个人感到惊讶。)