linespacing (形容词)中文:行间距的
英文:relating to the spacing between lines
linespacing (名词)中文:行间距
英文:the space between lines of text
linespacing 与 line height 的区别:line spacing 是指行与行之间的间距,而 line height 是指一行文字的高度,包括文字本身以及上下间距。
increased linespacing (名词)中文:增大行间距
英文:the act of increasing the space between lines of text
decreased linespacing (名词)
英文:the act of reducing the space between lines of text
line heightleading
space between lines
line gap
single spacing (名词)中文:单倍行距
英文:the act of using no extra space between lines of text
linespacing (名词)中文:行间距
英文:the space between lines of text
1. The linespacing in this book makes it easier to read. (本书的行间距使阅读更容易。)
2. Adjust the linespacing to fit more text on the page. (调整行间距以适应更多的文字在页面上。)
linespacing (名词)中文:行间距
英文:the space between lines of text
1. Please increase the linespacing to improve readability. (请增加行间距以提高可读性。)
2. The default linespacing in the document is too narrow. (文档中的默认行间距太窄。)
linespacing 可用于描述文本排版时行与行之间的距离。它可以作为形容词或名词使用,表示行间距的特性或行间距本身。可以根据需要调整行间距来改善可读性或适应排版要求。相关例句
- The linespacing in this document is too tight, making it difficult to read. (本文档的行间距太紧,阅读起来很困难。)
- Please adjust the linespacing to ensure proper readability. (请调整行间距以确保良好的可读性。)
- Increase the linespacing to make the text easier to read. (增加行间距以使文字更易读。)
- The linespacing should be consistent throughout the entire document. (整个文档的行间距应保持一致。)
- The linespacing can be adjusted using the formatting options. (可以使用格式选项来调整行间距。)
- Reducing the linespacing can help fit more text on a single page. (减小行间距可以帮助在一页上容纳更多的文字。)
- Increasing the linespacing can improve the readability of the text. (增加行间距可以提高文字的可读性。)
- The linespacing between paragraphs should be greater than within paragraphs. (段落间的行间距应大于段落内的行间距。)
- Adjust the linespacing to match the style guidelines. (根据样式指南调整行间距。)
- Proper linespacing helps to create a visually appealing layout. (适当的行间距有助于创建视觉上吸引人的布局。)
- The linespacing can be customized according to personal preference. (可以根据个人喜好自定义行间距。)
- Ensure that the linespacing is consistent across different sections of the document. (确保文档的不同部分行间距一致。)
- Increasing the linespacing can make the text appear less crowded. (增加行间距可以使文字看起来不那么拥挤。)
- The linespacing should be adjusted to accommodate larger font sizes. (应调整行间距以适应较大的字体大小。)
- The linespacing affects the overall readability and appearance of the text. (行间距影响文本的整体可读性和外观。)
- Use a consistent linespacing to maintain a professional look in your documents. (在文档中使用一致的行间距以保持专业外观。)
- The linespacing can be modified in the document settings. (可以在文档设置中修改行间距。)
- Ensure that the linespacing is appropriate for the target audience. (确保行间距适合目标受众。)
- Adjusting the linespacing can help improve the overall readability of the document. (调整行间距可以帮助提高文档的整体可读性。)
- Experiment with different linespacing options to find the most suitable one for your content. (尝试不同的行间距选项,找到最适合您内容的那个。)