1. 分光光度法(spectrophotometry): - 定义:通过测量物质对不同波长的光的吸收或透射来分析物质的量。 - 例句: - Spectrophotometry is widely used in scientific research and analysis. - 分光光度法广泛应用于科学研究和分析。 2. 光谱光度计(spectrophotometer): - 定义:用于测量和记录物质对不同波长的光的吸收或透射的仪器。 - 例句: - The spectrophotometer is a valuable tool in analytical chemistry. - 光谱光度计是分析化学中的一种有价值的工具。词语辨析
- Spectrophotometry is a commonly used technique in biological and chemical research.(分光光度法是生物和化学研究中常用的技术。)
- The concentration of the solution was determined using spectrophotometry.(使用分光光度法确定了溶液的浓度。)
- In spectrophotometry, a sample is illuminated with light of a specific wavelength and the amount of light absorbed or transmitted is measured.(在分光光度法中,样品被特定波长的光照射,测量吸收或透射的光的量。)
- Spectrophotometry is an important tool for analyzing the composition of unknown substances.(分光光度法是分析未知物质组成的重要工具。)
- The spectrophotometer is calibrated before each measurement to ensure accurate results.(每次测量前都对光谱光度计进行校准,以确保准确的结果。)
- UV-Vis spectrophotometry is commonly used in the analysis of organic compounds.(紫外可见分光光度法常用于有机化合物的分析。)
- The spectrophotometry data showed a peak at 450 nm, indicating the presence of a specific compound.(分光光度法数据显示在450纳米处有一个峰,表明存在一种特定化合物。)
- By using spectrophotometry, the concentration of a substance can be determined with high precision.(通过使用分光光度法,可以高精度地确定物质的浓度。)
- Spectrophotometry is widely used in environmental monitoring and water quality analysis.(分光光度法广泛应用于环境监测和水质分析。)
- The spectrophotometer measures the intensity of light transmitted through a sample.(光谱光度计测量透过样品的光强度。)
- The spectrophotometry results were compared with the standard values to determine the accuracy of the measurement.(将分光光度法结果与标准值进行比较,以确定测量的准确性。)
- Spectrophotometry is a non-destructive method for analyzing substances.(分光光度法是一种无损分析物质的方法。)
- The spectrophotometer can measure the absorbance of light at different wavelengths.(光谱光度计可以测量不同波长的光吸光度。)
- UV-Vis spectrophotometry is widely used in the pharmaceutical industry for drug analysis.(紫外可见分光光度法在制药行业中广泛用于药物分析。)
- The spectrophotometry technique allows researchers to determine the concentration of a specific substance in a mixture.(分光光度法技术使研究人员能够确定混合物中特定物质的浓度。)
- Spectrophotometry is often used to measure the color of a solution, which indicates the presence of certain compounds.(分光光度法常用于测量溶液的颜色,从而指示特定化合物的存在。)
- The spectrophotometer can be used to analyze the concentration of a specific element in a sample.(光谱光度计可用于分析样品中特定元素的浓度。)
- Spectrophotometry is an important tool in forensic science for analyzing trace evidence.(分光光度法是法医学中分析微量证据的重要工具。)
- The spectrophotometry results indicated a high level of impurities in the sample.(分光光度法结果表明样品中存在大量杂质。)
- Visible spectrophotometry is commonly used in the analysis of pigments in artworks.(可见分光光度法常用于艺术品中颜料的分析。)