bottleneck [ˈbɒtəlnek]- 形容词:瓶颈的;狭窄的;瓶颈形的
- 名词:瓶颈;阻塞点;瓶颈处
bottleneck 和 blockage 都表示阻塞的意思,但bottleneck 更常用于形容交通流量或系统瓶颈,而 blockage 则更常用于物体或通道的堵塞。
bottlenecked [ˈbɒtəlnekt] 形容词,被瓶颈阻塞的
bottlenecking [ˈbɒtəlnekiŋ] 名词,瓶颈化
bottleneck [ˈbɒtəlnek] 动词,形成瓶颈
bottleneck (名词) If there is a bottleneck somewhere, the action or process of moving people or things through a narrow space becomes difficult or slower than usual.
bottleneck (名词) A bottleneck is a problem which delays progress or prevents it completely.
bottleneck (动词) If something is bottlenecked, it is slowed down or delayed, often because there is not enough equipment, workers, or money.
bottleneck (名词) A bottleneck is a place in a road or system where the traffic or flow is forced to slow down, often causing congestion.
bottleneck (名词) A bottleneck is a point in a process where the flow is impeded, causing delays and problems.
bottleneck (形容词) Bottleneck is used to describe something that causes a delay or problem in a process or system.
bottleneck 可以作为名词或形容词使用,形容词形式常用于描述导致进程或系统延迟或问题的事物。名词形式常用于描述交通或流程中的瓶颈点、堵塞点或问题。
- The accident caused a major bottleneck on the highway.(这起事故在高速公路上造成了严重的瓶颈。)
- The construction work is causing a bottleneck in the city center.(施工工作在市中心造成了瓶颈。)
- The lack of funding has become a bottleneck for the project.(资金缺乏已成为该项目的瓶颈。)
- There is a bottleneck in the production process that needs to be resolved.(生产过程中存在一个需要解决的瓶颈。)
- The company's growth is being bottlenecked by a shortage of skilled workers.(公司的增长受到熟练工人短缺的限制。)
- The traffic is bottlenecked at the intersection due to ongoing road construction.(由于道路施工,交通在十字路口瓶颈。)
- The bottlenecked process is slowing down the entire production line.(瓶颈化的过程正在减慢整个生产线的速度。)
- The company needs to address the bottlenecks in its supply chain to improve efficiency.(公司需要解决供应链中的瓶颈问题以提高效率。)
- Increased demand has created a bottleneck in the distribution network.(需求增加导致了配送网络的瓶颈。)
- The project is facing a bottleneck due to regulatory delays.(由于监管延迟,项目面临瓶颈。)
- The bottleneck was caused by a broken-down vehicle blocking the road.(瓶颈是由一辆故障车辆堵塞道路引起的。)
- We need to identify and address the bottlenecks in our production process.(我们需要确定并解决生产过程中的瓶颈。)
- The bottleneck in the software is causing the system to crash.(软件中的瓶颈导致系统崩溃。)
- The company's growth is being bottlenecked by bureaucratic procedures.(公司的增长受到官僚程序的限制。)
- The bottleneck in the logistics chain is impacting delivery times.(物流链中的瓶颈影响了交货时间。)
- The bottlenecked traffic is causing frustration among commuters.(瓶颈交通导致通勤者感到沮丧。)
- Efforts are being made to alleviate the bottlenecks in the immigration process.(正在努力缓解移民过程中的瓶颈。)
- The bottleneck in the production line has been identified and fixed.(生产线上的瓶颈已经被发现并解决。)
- The bottlenecked system needs to be upgraded to handle increased demand.(需要升级瓶颈系统以处理增加的需求。)
- Improving infrastructure is essential to reduce bottlenecks in transportation.(改善基础设施对减少交通瓶颈至关重要。)
- The bottleneck in the production process is causing delays in product delivery.(生产过程中的瓶颈导致产品交付延迟。)