nostrils /ˈnɒstrɪlz/ (名词,复数) 1. (解剖学) 鼻孔;鼻孔的开口 - The horse flared its nostrils and snorted. 那匹马张开鼻孔,发出喷鼻息声。 - He could feel the cold air entering his nostrils. 他能感到冷风进入鼻孔。 2. (喻) 嗅觉 - The dog raised its head and sniffed the air with its sensitive nostrils. 狗抬起头,用敏锐的嗅觉嗅了嗅空气。 - She could smell the tantalizing aroma with her delicate nostrils. 她用她敏感的嗅觉嗅到了那诱人的香气。形容词
1. nostril /ˈnɒstrɪl/ (形容词) - The nostril hair helps filter out dust and debris. 鼻孔毛发有助于过滤灰尘和碎片。词语辨析
- nasal /ˈneɪz(ə)l/ (名词):指鼻腔内的器官或药物;鼻音 - snout /snaʊt/ (名词):指动物的口鼻部分词汇扩充
- nasal cavity /ˈneɪz(ə)l ˈkævəti/ (名词):鼻腔 - olfactory sense /ɒlˈfækt(ə)ri sɛns/ (名词):嗅觉近义词
- snout /snaʊt/ (名词):动物的口鼻部分 - proboscis /prəˈbɒsɪs/ (名词):昆虫或动物的长鼻子反义词
- mouth /maʊθ/ (名词):嘴巴柯林斯词典
nostril 1. (名词) 鼻孔 2. (名词) (喻) 嗅觉牛津词典
nostril 1. (名词) 鼻孔 2. (名词) (喻) 嗅觉用法
- She could feel the breath of the horse on her nostrils. (她能感到马的呼吸吹在鼻孔上。) - The doctor checked his patient's nostrils for any signs of infection. (医生检查他的病人的鼻孔是否有感染的迹象。) - The scent of freshly baked bread filled her nostrils. (新鲜烤面包的香气充盈着她的鼻孔。) - The horse's nostrils flared as it sensed danger. (马感到危险时,鼻孔张开。)例句
- The horse flared its nostrils and snorted. (那匹马张开鼻孔,发出喷鼻息声。)
- He could feel the cold air entering his nostrils. (他能感到冷风进入鼻孔。)
- The dog raised its head and sniffed the air with its sensitive nostrils. (狗抬起头,用敏锐的嗅觉嗅了嗅空气。)
- She could smell the tantalizing aroma with her delicate nostrils. (她用她敏感的嗅觉嗅到了那诱人的香气。)
- The nostril hair helps filter out dust and debris. (鼻孔毛发有助于过滤灰尘和碎片。)
- The horse's nostrils flared as it sensed danger. (马感到危险时,鼻孔张开。)
- He felt a tickle in his nostrils from the spicy aroma. (他从辛辣的香气中感到鼻子发痒。)
- She pressed her nostrils together to block out the foul smell. (她用手指捏住鼻孔,以阻挡那种难闻的气味。)
- He had a habit of flaring his nostrils when he was angry. (他生气时有张开鼻孔的习惯。)
- The doctor checked his patient's nostrils for any signs of infection. (医生检查他的病人的鼻孔是否有感染的迹象。)
- The nostrils of the statue were finely sculpted. (雕像的鼻孔雕刻得很精细。)
- She could feel the breath of the horse on her nostrils. (她能感到马的呼吸吹在鼻孔上。)
- He flared his nostrils and inhaled deeply. (他张开鼻孔,深深吸了口气。)
- The scent of freshly baked bread filled her nostrils. (新鲜烤面包的香气充盈着她的鼻孔。)
- The strong smell of the chemicals burned his nostrils. (化学品的浓烈气味刺激着他的鼻孔。)
- She wiped her runny nose with the back of her hand, smearing mucus across her nostrils. (她用手背擦了擦流鼻涕,把鼻涕涂抹在鼻孔上。)
- The hiker's nostrils filled with the scent of pine as he walked through the forest. (徒步旅行者走进森林,鼻孔里充满了松树的香气。)
- The cold air made her nostrils tingle. (冷风使她的鼻孔发痒。)
- She breathed in deeply, filling her nostrils with the smell of freshly cut grass. (她深吸一口气,使鼻孔充满新鲜割草的味道。)
- He could feel the cool mist against his nostrils as he stood by the waterfall. (当他站在瀑布旁边时,能感到凉爽的雾气触及鼻孔。)