- 高中的 (gāozhōng de)
- 中学的 (zhōngxué de)
- 高中 (gāozhōng)
- 中学 (zhōngxué)
高中 (gāozhōng) 和中学 (zhōngxué) 在中文中可以互相替换,表示学制为三年的学校阶段。
- 高中生 (gāozhōngshēng) - high school student
- 中学生 (zhōngxuéshēng) - middle school student
- 高中教育 (gāozhōng jiàoyù) - high school education
- 高中毕业 (gāozhōng bìyè) - high school graduation
- 高中课程 (gāozhōng kèchéng) - high school curriculum
- 高中 (gāozhōng) - high school
- 中学 (zhōngxué) - middle school
- 大学 (dàxué) - university
high school (noun)
1. A school that provides secondary education, typically including grades 9 through 12.
2. The period of education in secondary school, usually consisting of grades 9 through 12.
high school (adjective)
Of or relating to high school.
high school (noun)
In the U.S. and Canada, a school that typically includes grades 9 to 12, attended after primary school or middle school.
In the UK, a private secondary school.
high school (adjective)
Relating to high school.
1. I'm currently in high school, studying for my exams. (我目前在高中,为考试而学习。)
2. After middle school, students usually attend high school. (中学毕业后,学生通常会上高中。)
3. She is a high school teacher. (她是一名高中教师。)
- I'm excited to start high school and meet new friends. (我很期待开始高中,结识新朋友。)
- He graduated from high school last year. (他去年从高中毕业。)
- Her dream is to be the valedictorian of her high school. (她的梦想是成为她所在高中的毕业生代表。)
- My sister is a high school student and she enjoys playing basketball. (我妹妹是一名高中生,她喜欢打篮球。)
- In high school, I joined the drama club and performed in school plays. (在高中时,我参加了话剧社,并在学校的剧目中表演。)
- High school can be a challenging time for many teenagers. (高中对很多青少年来说是一个充满挑战的时期。)
- She attended a prestigious high school in the city. (她在城里上了一所名牌高中。)
- During high school, I participated in various extracurricular activities. (在高中期间,我参加了各种课外活动。)
- My high school offers advanced placement classes for academically gifted students. (我就读的高中为学术优秀的学生提供了AP课程。)
- High school is a time of self-discovery and personal growth. (高中是自我发现和个人成长的时期。)
- After high school, he plans to attend a university and study engineering. (高中毕业后,他计划上大学学习工程学。)
- The high school organized a field trip to the museum. (高中组织了一次参观博物馆的实地考察活动。)
- My parents attended the same high school and later got married. (我父母曾在同一所高中就读,后来结婚了。)
- She was elected as the class president in her high school. (她在高中被选为班级主席。)
- High school can be a stressful time for students preparing for college. (对于准备上大学的学生来说,高中可能是一个充满压力的时期。)
- He dropped out of high school and started working full-time. (他辍学了,开始全职工作。)
- The high school football team won the championship. (高中橄榄球队赢得了冠军。)
- She volunteered as a tutor for underprivileged students at a local high school. (她在当地一所高中担任贫困学生的志愿辅导员。)
- High school friendships often last a lifetime. (高中的友谊通常会持续一生。)
- He struggled with his grades in high school but eventually improved. (他在高中时成绩不理想,但最终有所提高。)
- Attending high school gave me the opportunity to explore different subjects. (上高中给了我探索不同学科的机会。)