1. 安全的,可保护的
Definition: 可以被保护、防止危险或未经授权访问的
Example: The company's computer network is not secure without the proper firewalls.
2. 可获得的,可得到的
Definition: 可以获得或得到的
Example: The loan is securable with collateral such as a house or a car.
1. 可以被保护的事物
Definition: 可以被保护的人、物或信息
Example: The securable in this case is the confidential documents.
securable, secure, safeguarded
1. security: 安全
2. secure: 安全的
3. insecurity: 不安全
4. safeguard: 保护
5. protect: 保护
safe, protected, guarded, defended
insecure, vulnerable, unprotected, exposed
securable (adjective)
If something is securable, it can be obtained or achieved.
Example: The loan is securable against the house.
securable (adjective)
1. Able to be obtained or secured.
Example: The loan is securable on the car.
2. Capable of being made secure.
Example: The file is securable with a password.
1. The valuable items in the museum are securable behind glass cases.
2. The software has securable features that allow users to set access permissions.
3. The company's securable information should only be accessible to authorized personnel.
4. The securable nature of the building makes it suitable for high-security facilities.
- The securable door prevented unauthorized access to the sensitive data. (可保护的门防止对敏感数据的未经授权访问。)
- With proper encryption, the securable file can only be accessed by authorized individuals. (通过适当的加密,只有授权人员才能访问可保护的文件。)
- He invested in securable assets to ensure a stable income for his retirement. (他投资于可保证收益的资产,以确保退休后的稳定收入。)
- The company implemented securable measures to protect customer data from cyber threats. (公司采取了可保护的措施,保护客户数据免受网络威胁。)
- They installed securable locks on all the windows to enhance home security. (他们在所有窗户上安装了可保护的锁,以提升家庭安全。)
- The bank provided securable loans for small businesses to support their growth. (银行为小企业提供可获得的贷款,以支持其发展。)
- The securable nature of the software ensures the protection of sensitive information. (软件的可保护性确保了敏感信息的保护。)
- She took measures to make her online accounts more securable, such as using strong passwords and enabling two-factor authentication. (她采取了措施使她的在线账户更加安全,如使用强密码和启用双重验证。)
- The securable area of the building is restricted to authorized personnel only. (建筑物的可保护区域仅限于授权人员。)
- By implementing securable protocols, the company reduced the risk of data breaches. (通过实施可保护的协议,公司降低了数据泄露的风险。)
- The securable perimeter around the military base is monitored by surveillance cameras. (军事基地周围的可保护区域由监控摄像头监视。)
- They invested in securable stocks to protect their financial portfolio from market volatility. (他们投资于可保障的股票,以保护他们的财务投资组合免受市场波动。)
- The securable network infrastructure ensures the confidentiality and integrity of data transmission. (可保护的网络基础设施确保了数据传输的机密性和完整性。)
- The company's securable assets include patents, trademarks, and proprietary technologies. (公司的可保障资产包括专利、商标和专有技术。)
- They implemented securable access controls to prevent unauthorized entry into the restricted area. (他们实施了可保护的访问控制,以防止未经授权进入受限区域。)
- The securable database is encrypted to protect sensitive customer information. (可保护的数据库经过加密,以保护敏感的客户信息。)
- By using securable communication channels, they ensured the confidentiality of their conversations. (通过使用可保护的通信渠道,他们确保了对话的机密性。)
- The securable perimeter fencing prevents unauthorized access to the construction site. (可保护的周界围栏防止未经授权进入建筑工地。)
- The securable software application allows users to set different access levels for different user roles. (可保护的软件应用程序允许用户为不同的用户角色设置不同的访问级别。)
- They hired a security consultant to assess the securability of their IT infrastructure. (他们聘请了一位安全顾问来评估他们的IT基础设施的可保护性。)