Noun1. the act of annexing or the state of being annexed; specifically: the incorporation of territory into the domain of a city, country, or state.
1. 兼并;合并;附加;并吞;吞并;合并领土:将领土并入城市、国家或州的领土范围内的行为或状态。 2. something annexed; especially: territory acquired by conquest or occupation.
2. 附属物;附加物;附属领土:特指通过征服或占领而获得的领土。 3. a building that is an addition to an existing building.
3. 附属建筑物;附属建筑物:指已有建筑物的附加部分。 4. the incorporation of a country or territory into another country or territory.
4. 合并;吞并;并吞:将一个国家或领土并入另一个国家或领土的行为。 5. the process of incorporating a region into the domain of a city, country, or state.
5. 并入;兼并;合并:将一个地区并入城市、国家或州的领土范围内的过程。 6. the acquisition of territory by force in violation of international law.
6. 违反国际法以武力获取领土:通过武力获取领土,违反国际法。 7. the act or process of adding or joining something to something else.
7. 添加;连接:将某物添加或连接到其他某物的行为或过程。 Adjective
1. of, relating to, or constituting an annex.
1. 附属的;附加的:与附属物有关的、构成附属物的。 2. added or joined as an extra or subordinate part.
2. 附加的;附属的:作为额外或从属部分添加或连接的。
- annexation:指将一个国家、地区或领土并入另一个国家、地区或领土,特指通过和平或武力方式实现的行为或状态。 - incorporation:指将一个地区或群体并入另一个更大的组织或整体,特指通过法律或政治手段实现的过程或状态。 - merger:指两个或多个组织、企业等合并成为一个更大的组织或企业的行为或过程。 - acquisition:指获取、获得或占有某物的行为或过程,特指购买、兼并、夺取等方式获得。词汇扩充
- annex:附属物;附属建筑物;附加;吞并;并吞 - territory:领土;领域;地区 - incorporation:合并;并入;组建公司;注册成立 - conquest:征服;占领;攻取;夺取 - occupation:占领;职业;工作;从事 - building:建筑物;楼房;大楼 - addition:附加物;增加;添加;补充 - force:武力;力量;军队;强迫 - violation:违反;侵犯;违背;违规 - law:法律;法规;规则;司法近义词
- incorporation - merger - acquisition - takeover - secession反义词
- separation - division - disconnection - detachment - independence柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)
Noun 1. the act of annexing; addition 2. the fact of being annexed; incorporation into another body, esp the incorporation of Wales and Scotland into England to form the United Kingdom 3. something annexed 4. a building that is an addition to an existing building用法
- The annexation of Texas to the United States took place in 1845. - The annexation of Crimea by Russia was widely condemned by the international community. - The city council approved the annexation of the neighboring town. - The annexation of new territories led to conflicts with neighboring countries.牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)
Noun 1. the action of annexing something, especially territory 2. the action of annexing a region or country 3. something that is annexed, especially a supplementary building 4. the action of adding something to an existing document or record用法
- The annexation of Hawaii by the United States occurred in 1898. - The government announced the annexation of the disputed region. - The construction of an annexation to the main building will begin next month. - Please sign the annexation to the contract and return it to us.Examples