1. (只用于名词前) 夜班的,夜间工作的
nightshift和night work都表示夜间工作的意思,但nightshift更常用于描述工作时间,night work更常用于描述具体的工作任务。
1. 夜班,夜间工作
2. (工厂或医院等的) 夜班工作人员,夜班员工
3. (音乐或表演行业的) 深夜演出,夜场
nightshift worker 夜班工人
nightshift manager 夜班经理
nightshift duty 夜班工作
night duty, graveyard shift
dayshift, day work
nightshift (noun)
1. a period of work during the night in a factory, hospital, etc.
2. the group of workers who work during the night in a factory, hospital, etc.
3. a performance of music or entertainment that takes place late at night
nightshift (noun)
1. a period of time worked by a person at night
2. the group of people who work during the night in a factory, hospital, etc.
3. a performance of music or entertainment that takes place late at night
1. I'm on the nightshift this week, so I won't be able to go out in the evening.
2. The nightshift starts at 11 p.m. and finishes at 7 a.m.
3. The hospital needs more nightshift staff.
- I work the nightshift at the hospital. (我在医院上夜班工作。)
- The nightshift workers are entitled to extra pay. (夜班工人有权获得额外报酬。)
- She prefers working the nightshift because it pays better. (她更喜欢上夜班,因为工资更高。)
- The factory operates three nightshifts to meet production demands. (为满足生产需求,工厂运营三个夜班。)
- He was exhausted after working the nightshift. (他上完夜班后筋疲力尽。)
- The nightshift starts at midnight and goes until 8 a.m. (夜班从午夜开始,一直持续到上午8点。)
- The nightshift nurses provide care for patients while they sleep. (夜班护士在患者入睡时提供护理。)
- She enjoys the quiet atmosphere of the nightshift. (她喜欢夜班的宁静氛围。)
- The band will be performing a nightshift at the local pub. (乐队将在当地酒吧进行深夜演出。)
- We hired security guards for the nightshift to patrol the building. (我们雇佣了保安在夜班时巡逻大楼。)
- The nightshift workers have to adjust their sleep schedule. (夜班工人必须调整他们的睡眠时间表。)
- Our company offers a higher wage for employees on the nightshift. (我们公司给夜班员工提供更高的工资。)
- She finds it difficult to stay awake during the nightshift. (她发现在夜班期间保持清醒很困难。)
- The nightshift manager is responsible for overseeing operations during the night. (夜班经理负责监督夜间的运营。)
- He was promoted to supervisor of the nightshift. (他被提升为夜班的主管。)
- The factory is hiring new nightshift workers. (工厂正在招聘新的夜班工人。)
- The nightshift can be challenging, but I enjoy the quietness. (夜班可能具有挑战性,但我喜欢它的宁静。)
- She signed up for the nightshift because it fits better with her schedule. (她报名参加夜班,因为它更适合她的时间安排。)
- The nightshift staff took their lunch break at 2 a.m. (夜班员工在凌晨2点休息吃午饭。)
- Working the nightshift can disrupt your sleep patterns. (上夜班会打乱你的睡眠规律。)