- bleat的形容词形式:bleating
- bleating的中文翻译:羊叫声的
- bleating的英文释义:making the characteristic wavering cry of a sheep or goat
- bleat的名词形式:bleater
- bleater的中文翻译:(羊)叫得高亢的人
- bleater的英文释义:a person who bleats
- 词语:bleat / baa
- bleat的中文翻译:咩咩叫
- baa的中文翻译:咩咩叫
- bleat的英文释义:the wavering cry made by a sheep or goat
- baa的英文释义:the cry made by a sheep
- 辨析:bleat和baa都指羊或山羊发出的叫声,但bleat更常用于描述声音的特点,baa则更常用于描述羊的叫声。
- 扩充词汇1:bleatingly
- bleatingly的中文翻译:(声音)婉转地
- bleatingly的英文释义:in a bleating manner
- 扩充词汇2:bleat out
- bleat out的中文翻译:大声喊出
- bleat out的英文释义:to shout or say something loudly and with force
- synonym 1:moo
- synonym 2:bellow
- synonym 3:howl
- antonym:silence
bleat (bliːt):
- 动词:When a sheep or goat bleats, it makes the noise that sheep and goats typically make.
- 名词:A bleat is the noise that sheep and goats typically make.
bleat (bliːt):
- 动词:(of a sheep, goat, or calf) make a characteristic wavering cry.
- 名词:A wavering cry made by a sheep, goat, or calf.
- 用法1:Sheep were bleating in the field.
- 用法2:The mother goat bleated for her kid.
- Sheep were bleating in the field. (羊在田野中咩咩叫。)
- The mother goat bleated for her kid. (母山羊为她的小羊咩咩叫。)
- The lamb let out a loud bleat. (小羊发出一声大叫。)
- I could hear the distant bleating of sheep. (我能听到远处羊的咩咩声。)
- The bleating of the goat woke me up. (山羊的咩咩声把我吵醒了。)
- He imitated the bleat of a sheep. (他模仿羊的叫声。)
- The baby goat gave a plaintive bleat. (小山羊发出了一声哀怨的咩叫。)
- The sheep bleated in distress. (羊因痛苦而咩咩叫。)
- The shepherd heard the bleat and quickly went to check on the sheep. (牧羊人听到羊的咩叫声,迅速去查看了羊。)
- The bleating of the sheep echoed through the valley. (羊的咩咩声在山谷中回荡。)
- She let out a bleat of surprise when she saw the cute little lamb. (当她看到可爱的小羔羊时,她发出一声惊讶的咩叫。)
- He couldn't sleep because of the constant bleating outside his window. (因为窗外不断的咩咩声,他无法入睡。)
- The sound of bleating filled the air as the sheep grazed on the hillside. (当羊在山坡上吃草时,咩咩声充斥着空气。)
- The farmer could tell the difference between the bleats of his sheep and his neighbor's. (农民能分辨出他自己的羊和邻居的羊的叫声的区别。)
- She couldn't concentrate on her work with the constant bleating coming from outside. (由于窗外不断的咩咩声,她无法专心工作。)
- The bleating of the goats could be heard from miles away. (山羊的咩咩声能听到几英里开外。)
- She let out a loud bleat of frustration. (她发出了一声沮丧的大叫。)
- The bleating of the sheep was a familiar sound on the farm. (羊的咩咩声是农场上熟悉的声音。)
- The little lamb gave a weak bleat as it struggled to stand up. (小羔羊挣扎着站起来时发出了一声微弱的咩叫。)
- She imitated the bleat of a sheep to get the attention of the shepherd. (她模仿羊的叫声以引起牧羊人的注意。)
- The constant bleating of the goats was driving him crazy. (山羊不断的咩咩声让他发疯。)