1. freightforwarder中文翻译:货运代理
2. freightforwarder中文翻译:货代
3. freightforwarder中文翻译:报关行
1. freightforwarder中文翻译:货运代理
2. freightforwarder中文翻译:货代
3. freightforwarder中文翻译:报关行
freightforwarder和freight agent都指货运代理,但freightforwarder更常用。
1. freightforwarding:货运代理业
2. freight:货物
3. forwarder:代理人
shipping agent
shipping broker
transport agent
freight carrier:货运承运人
In a transport system, a freight forwarder is a person or company that organizes the separate stages of a journey for goods that are being transported from one place to another.
A freight forwarder is a person or company whose business is to arrange the transportation of goods on behalf of other companies.
1. The freight forwarder is responsible for coordinating the shipment of goods.
2. We hired a freight forwarder to handle the logistics of our international trade.
3. The role of a freight forwarder is crucial in ensuring smooth and efficient transportation of goods.
4. The freight forwarder will handle all the necessary documentation for customs clearance.
5. As a freight forwarder, it is important to have good communication skills and attention to detail.
- The freight forwarder arranged the transportation of the goods from the factory to the port.(货运代理安排了货物从工厂到港口的运输。)
- We need to find a reliable freight forwarder to help us ship our products to international markets.(我们需要找一个可靠的货运代理帮助我们将产品运送到国际市场。)
- The freight forwarder provided us with a cost estimate for the transportation of our goods.(货运代理为我们提供了货物运输的费用估计。)
- Our company works closely with freight forwarders to ensure timely delivery of our products.(我们公司与货运代理密切合作,确保产品及时送达。)
- The freight forwarder handles all the necessary paperwork and documentation for customs clearance.(货运代理处理所有必要的文件和报关文件工作。)
- As a freight forwarder, it is important to have a good network of contacts in the transportation industry.(作为一名货运代理,拥有良好的运输行业人脉是很重要的。)
- The freight forwarder is responsible for coordinating the logistics of the entire supply chain.(货运代理负责协调整个供应链的物流工作。)
- A reliable freight forwarder can help businesses reduce shipping costs and improve efficiency.(可靠的货运代理可以帮助企业降低运输成本并提高效率。)
- The freight forwarder works closely with customs authorities to ensure compliance with import and export regulations.(货运代理与海关密切合作,确保符合进出口规定。)
- We rely on our freight forwarder to handle the complexities of international shipping.(我们依靠货运代理处理国际航运的复杂问题。)
- The freight forwarder provides end-to-end solutions for the transportation and delivery of goods.(货运代理为货物的运输和交付提供端到端解决方案。)
- Freight forwarders play a vital role in facilitating global trade and commerce.(货运代理在促进全球贸易和商业方面发挥着重要作用。)
- The freight forwarder ensures that the goods are properly packed and labeled for transportation.(货运代理确保货物被正确包装和标记以便运输。)
- We hired a freight forwarder to handle the logistics of our import and export operations.(我们聘请了货运代理来处理我们的进出口业务的物流工作。)
- The freight forwarder has extensive knowledge of international shipping regulations and requirements.(货运代理具备丰富的国际航运法规和要求的知识。)
- Our company has established long-term partnerships with reliable freight forwarders around the world.(我们公司与世界各地可靠的货运代理建立了长期合作伙伴关系。)
- The freight forwarder offers a range of services including customs brokerage, warehousing, and distribution.(货运代理提供多种服务,包括报关、仓储和分销。)
- Our freight forwarder provides real-time tracking updates for our shipments.(我们的货运代理为我们的货物提供实时跟踪更新。)
- The freight forwarder works closely with shipping lines and airlines to secure the best rates for transportation.(货运代理与船公司和航空公司密切合作,以获得最佳的运输费率。)
- We rely on our freight forwarder's expertise to navigate the complexities of international trade.(我们依靠货运代理的专业知识来应对国际贸易的复杂性。)