中英词典- "adhoc"
形容词 (Adjective)
1. 临时的,特别安排的 词义:指为了特定目的而临时安排或组织的。 例句: 1. The committee was formed to deal with adhoc issues. (为了处理临时问题而成立了该委员会。) 2. We had to come up with an adhoc solution to the problem. (我们不得不想出一个临时解决方案来解决这个问题。) 3. The adhoc team was assembled to handle the emergency. (为了处理这个紧急情况,临时组建了一个团队。) 2. 特别的,特定的 词义:指为特定目的而设计或安排的。 例句: 1. The company organized an adhoc training program for new employees. (公司为新员工组织了一次特殊的培训计划。) 2. The adhoc committee was formed to review the proposed changes. (为了审查提议的变更,成立了一个特别委员会。) 3. The adhoc project was completed within a tight deadline. (在紧迫的截止日期内完成了这个特殊项目。)名词 (Noun)
1. 临时机构 词义:指为特定目的而临时设立的组织或机构。 例句: 1. The adhoc was set up to address the immediate crisis. (为了应对紧急危机而设立了这个临时机构。) 2. The adhoc is responsible for coordinating relief efforts. (临时机构负责协调救援工作。) 3. The adhoc was dissolved once the task was completed. (一旦任务完成,临时机构就解散了。) 2. 特别安排 词义:指为特定目的而做出的特别安排。 例句: 1. The meeting was an adhoc to discuss the urgent matter. (这次会议是为了讨论紧急事项而召开的。) 2. The adhoc allowed for additional time to review the proposal. (特别安排允许了额外的时间来审查提案。) 3. The adhoc was made to accommodate the unexpected changes. (为了适应意外的变化而做出的特别安排。)词语辨析
adhoc vs. impromptu 区别:adhoc和impromptu都可以表示临时的或即席的含义,但有细微的区别。adhoc通常指为特定目的而临时安排或组织的,而impromptu则指完全没有准备或计划的。 例句: 1. We had an impromptu meeting to discuss the recent developments. (我们临时召开了一次会议,讨论最近的进展。) 2. The adhoc committee was formed to address the urgent issue. (为了应对紧急问题而成立了这个临时委员会。)词汇扩充
1. adhocism 词义:指临时安排或应对问题的方法或态度。 例句: 1. The company's adhocism led to inefficiency and lack of long-term planning. (公司的临时应对方法导致了低效和缺乏长期规划。) 2. The adhocism in the government's decision-making process created confusion. (政府决策过程中的临时安排造成了混乱。)近义词 (Synonyms)
1. temporary 2. makeshift 3. improvised 4. stopgap反义词 (Antonyms)
1. planned 2. organized 3. permanent 4. established柯林斯词典 (Collins Dictionary)
adhoc (adj): made or happening only for a particular purpose or need, not planned in advance adhoc (n): something that is adhoc is made or done only for a particular purpose or need, not planned in advance牛津词典 (Oxford Dictionary)
adhoc (adj): created or done for a particular purpose as necessary adhoc (n): a temporary arrangement or a solution created for a particular purpose as necessary用法说明
1. 形容词用法: - The team had to come up with an adhoc solution to the problem. - We formed an adhoc committee to address the urgent matter. 2. 名词用法: - The adhoc was set up to coordinate relief efforts. - The adhoc allowed for flexibility in the schedule.相关例句
- The adhoc committee was formed to deal with the unexpected situation. (为了应对意外情况,成立了临时委员会。)
- We had to make an adhoc decision due to time constraints. (由于时间限制,我们不得不做出一个临时决定。)
- The adhoc project was completed successfully within the given timeframe. (在给定的时间范围内,临时项目成功完成了。)
- They formed an adhoc team to handle the emergency situation. (他们组建了一个临时团队来处理紧急情况。)
- The adhoc measures were taken to ensure the safety of the participants. (为了确保参与者的安全,采取了临时措施。)
- She came up with an adhoc solution to fix the technical glitch. (她想出了一个临时解决方案来修复技术故障。)
- The adhoc meeting was called to discuss the budget shortfall. (召开了一次临时会议,讨论预算不足的问题。)
- We had to make adhoc changes to the plan due to unforeseen circumstances. (由于意外情况,我们不得不对计划进行临时更改。)
- The adhoc committee was tasked with reviewing the company's policies. (临时委员会被委托审查公司的政策。)
- They implemented an adhoc training program for new employees. (他们为新员工实施了一个临时培训计划。)
- The adhoc decision was made based on the available information. (根据现有的信息做出了临时决定。)
- The adhoc team worked together to solve the technical problem. (临时团队共同努力解决技术问题。)
- She proposed an adhoc solution to address the customer's concerns. (她提出了一个临时解决方案,以解决客户的问题。)
- The adhoc measures were taken to minimize the impact of the crisis. (采取了临时措施以最小化危机的影响。)
- The adhoc committee was responsible for evaluating the project's feasibility. (临时委员会负责评估项目的可行性。)
- They organized an adhoc event to celebrate the company's anniversary. (他们组织了一次临时活动来庆祝公司的周年纪念。)
- The adhoc decision was met with disagreement from some team members. (一些团队成员对临时决定表示不同意。)
- We had to come up with an adhoc plan to meet the client's last-minute request. (我们不得不想出一个临时计划来满足客户的最后一分钟要求。)
- The adhoc measures were implemented to improve efficiency in the workplace. (实施了临时措施以提高工作效率。)
- The adhoc committee was dissolved after completing its assigned task. (完成了分配的任务后,临时委员会解散了。)