形容词: 1. 搜寻的;寻找的;搜索的英文释义:relating to searching for something
例句:He conducted a thorough serach for his lost keys. 名词: 1. 搜寻;寻找;搜索
英文释义:the act or process of looking for someone or something
例句:The police are conducting a serach for the missing child.
- serach与look for的区别在于,serach强调更系统或更有目的性的寻找,而look for则更常用于日常生活中的寻找。 - serach与seek的区别在于,seek更正式,常用于正式场合或正式文体中。词汇扩充:
- serachable (形容词):可搜索的,可搜寻的近义词:
- seek - hunt - explore反义词:
- find柯林斯词典释义:
1. (动词) to try to find someone or something by looking for them carefully 2. (名词) an attempt to find someone or something by looking for them carefully牛津词典释义:
1. (动词) try to find something by looking or otherwise seeking carefully and thoroughly 2. (名词) an act of searching for someone or something用法:
- "serach"作为动词,通常用于寻找某人或某物。 - "serach"作为名词,表示寻找的行为或过程。相关例句:
1. I will serach the entire house for my missing passport.我会搜索整个房子找寻我丢失的护照。 2. They conducted a thorough serach of the area in hopes of finding the lost hiker.
他们进行了一次彻底的搜索,希望能找到迷路的徒步者。 3. The serach for a cure to the disease continues.
对这种疾病的治愈方法的寻求仍在继续。 4. He used a metal detector to serach for buried treasure in the field.
他用金属探测器在田地里寻找埋藏的宝藏。 5. The police serached the suspect's house for evidence.
警方搜查了嫌疑人的房子以寻找证据。 6. The Internet provides a convenient way to serach for information.
互联网提供了一个方便的寻找信息的途径。 7. She serached through her bag, trying to find her keys.
她搜寻着她的包,试图找到她的钥匙。 8. The detectives serached high and low for clues to solve the mystery.
侦探们四处搜寻线索来解开谜团。 9. The parents anxiously serached for their lost child.
父母们焦急地寻找迷失的孩子。 10. The serach for extraterrestrial life has captivated scientists for decades.
对外星生命的寻找已经吸引了科学家们几十年。 11. She serached her memory for any recollection of the event.
她回忆起那个事件,努力寻找记忆中的片段。 12. The serach party combed the forest for any signs of the missing hiker.
搜救队在森林中彻底搜索寻找失踪徒步者的任何迹象。 13. He serached the internet for reviews before deciding which hotel to book.
他在互联网上搜索评论,然后才决定预订哪家酒店。 14. The serach operation was called off due to bad weather conditions.
由于恶劣的天气条件,搜寻行动被取消了。 15. The hiker was found alive and well after a three-day serach.
经过三天的搜寻,徒步者被活生生地找到了。 16. The serach dogs were brought in to assist in finding the missing person.
搜救犬被带来帮助寻找失踪的人。 17. The serach for a new CEO is underway.
正在进行寻找新首席执行官的工作。 18. The serach party discovered footprints leading into the cave.
搜救队发现了通往洞穴的脚印。 19. She serached her pockets for loose change to buy a cup of coffee.
她在口袋里搜寻零钱买杯咖啡。 20. The police serached the suspect's vehicle for any illegal substances.