1. parenchymal /ˌpærɪŋˈkaɪməl/ (adj.)中文:实质的,实质性的
例句:The parenchymal cells of the liver are responsible for detoxification and metabolism.(肝脏的实质细胞负责解毒和新陈代谢。)
1. parenchyma /pəˈrɛŋkɪmə/ (n.)中文:实质
例句:The parenchyma of the lung consists primarily of air sacs called alveoli.(肺的实质主要由称为肺泡的气囊组成。) 2. parenchyma /pəˈrɛŋkɪmə/ (n.)
例句:Damage to the parenchyma of the brain can result in neurological deficits.(大脑实质的损伤可能导致神经功能障碍。)
1. parenchymal vs. stromalparenchymal:与器官或组织的主要功能或组织结构相关的
例句:The parenchymal cells of the liver and the stromal cells of the liver have different functions.(肝脏的实质细胞和肝脏的基质细胞具有不同的功能。)
其他形式:parenchymally (adv.):实质地,实质性地近义词
1. cortical:皮层的,皮质的2. glandular:腺的,腺体的
3. epithelial:上皮的,上皮细胞的
4. visceral:内脏的,脏器的
1. stromal:基质的,基质组织的2. connective:结缔的,结缔组织的
3. fibrous:纤维的,纤维组织的
4. vascular:血管的,血管组织的
parenchyma (pəˈrɛŋkɪmə)名词
1. (植物的)实质
2. (动物器官的)实质
3. (指病变)实质化
4. (指组织)实质性增生
5. (植物的)基质细胞
6. (动物器官的)实质细胞
parenchyma (/pəˈrɛŋkɪmə/)名词
1. 植物的实质
2. 器官的实质
3. (病变)实质化
4. (组织)实质性增生
5. 植物的基质细胞
6. 器官的实质细胞
- The parenchymal tissue of the kidney is responsible for filtering waste products.(肾脏的实质组织负责过滤废物。) - The doctor examined the parenchyma of the patient's liver to assess its condition.(医生检查了患者的肝脏实质以评估其状况。) - The disease caused parenchymal damage to the lungs.(这种疾病导致肺部实质受损。) - The treatment aims to reduce parenchymal inflammation and improve organ function.(治疗旨在减少实质炎症并改善器官功能。)例句
- The parenchymal cells of the liver are responsible for detoxification and metabolism.(肝脏的实质细胞负责解毒和新陈代谢。)
- The parenchyma of the lung consists primarily of air sacs called alveoli.(肺的实质主要由称为肺泡的气囊组成。)
- Damage to the parenchyma of the brain can result in neurological deficits.(大脑实质的损伤可能导致神经功能障碍。)
- The parenchymal tissue in plants is responsible for photosynthesis.(植物中的实质组织负责光合作用。)
- Chronic inflammation can lead to fibrosis, causing the parenchyma of the organ to become scarred.(慢性炎症可能导致纤维化,使器官的实质出现瘢痕。)
- The parenchymal cells of the kidney are involved in the reabsorption of water and electrolytes.(肾脏的实质细胞参与水和电解质的再吸收。)
- Parenchymal lung diseases include pneumonia, pulmonary fibrosis, and lung cancer.(肺实质疾病包括肺炎、肺纤维化和肺癌。)
- The parenchyma of the liver contains hepatocytes, which are responsible for producing bile.(肝脏的实质包含负责产生胆汁的肝细胞。)
- Injured parenchymal cells release inflammatory mediators, leading to an immune response.(受伤的实质细胞释放炎症介质,引发免疫反应。)
- Parenchymal organs, such as the liver and kidney, are vital for maintaining homeostasis in the body.(肝脏和肾脏等实质器官对于维持机体内稳态至关重要。)
- The parenchymal tissue of the brain can be affected by neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's.(大脑的实质组织可能受到阿尔茨海默病等神经退行性疾病的影响。)
- During a stroke, blood flow to the parenchyma of the brain is disrupted, leading to cell death.(中风期间,大脑的实质血流中断,导致细胞死亡。)
- The parenchymal cells of the pancreas produce and secrete digestive enzymes.(胰腺的实质细胞产生并分泌消化酶。)
- In liver cirrhosis, the normal parenchyma is replaced by fibrous tissue.(在肝硬化中,正常的实质被纤维组织取代。)
- Studies have shown that certain medications can protect the parenchymal cells of the heart from damage.(研究表明,某些药物可以保护心脏的实质细胞免受损害。)
- Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to parenchymal liver damage and liver disease.(过量饮酒可能导致肝脏实质损伤和肝脏疾病。)
- Parenchymal lung diseases often result in breathing difficulties and reduced lung function.(肺实质疾病常常导致呼吸困难和肺功能降低。)
- The growth of tumors in the parenchyma of the brain can cause seizures and neurological symptoms.(脑实质中肿瘤的生长可能导致癫痫发作和神经症状。)
- Damage to the parenchyma of the kidney can lead to impaired renal function and kidney failure.(肾脏实质的损伤可能导致肾功能受损和肾衰竭。)
- Parenchymal cells play a crucial role in the regeneration and repair of tissues and organs.(实质细胞在组织和器官的再生和修复中起着至关重要的作用。)