1. 旋转的;摇摆的;摇晃的 2. 用锅炒的;用平底锅煎的名词
1. 旋转摄影;摄影中的追焦手法 2. 用平底锅煎食物的方法词语辨析
- panning vs. tilting:旋转摄影 vs. 倾斜摄影 - panning vs. frying:用平底锅煎食物 vs. 煎炸食物词汇扩充
1. panning shot:旋转镜头 2. panning for gold:淘金 3. panning camera:旋转摄像机近义词
rotation, rotating, swiveling反义词
still, stationary柯林斯词典
Panning is the activity of searching for gold or precious stones in a river using a pan.
Panning is the technique of rotating a video or movie camera horizontally to follow a moving subject.
1. The photographer used panning to capture the motion of the car. (摄影师使用了旋转摄影来捕捉汽车的运动。) 2. I enjoy panning for gold during my summer vacations. (我喜欢在暑假期间淘金。)例句
- The panning camera captured the beauty of the landscape. (旋转摄像机捕捉到了美丽的风景。)
- I tried panning for gold in the river, but didn't find anything valuable. (我在河里试着淘金,但没有找到任何有价值的东西。)
- She used panning shots to create a sense of movement in the film. (她使用旋转镜头在电影中营造出了一种动感。)
- His panning technique while frying eggs is impeccable. (他用平底锅煎鸡蛋的旋转技巧非常出色。)
- He captured the bird in flight with a panning shot. (他使用旋转摄影捕捉到了飞行中的鸟。)
- The panning camera gave a dynamic feel to the dance performance. (旋转摄像机为舞蹈表演增添了动感。)
- They went panning for gold in the river and found a few small nuggets. (他们去河里淘金,找到了几个小金块。)
- The filmmaker used panning shots to follow the action in the intense chase scene. (电影制片人使用旋转镜头来追踪紧张的追逐场景。)
- She perfected her panning technique to capture the fast-moving cars on the racetrack. (她完善了她的旋转摄影技巧,以捕捉赛车场上飞速行驶的汽车。)
- Panning for gold requires patience and a keen eye. (淘金需要耐心和敏锐的眼力。)
- The panning camera movement added energy to the music video. (旋转摄像机的运动为音乐视频增添了活力。)
- He used a panning motion to evenly distribute the heat while cooking. (他在烹饪时使用了旋转动作来均匀分布热量。)
- The panning shots in the film were visually stunning. (电影中的旋转镜头在视觉上非常惊艳。)
- They went panning for gold and found a few flakes in the riverbed. (他们去河里淘金,在河床上找到了几片金粉。)
- The director used panning to follow the main character as he walked through the crowded street. (导演使用旋转摄影来跟随主角穿过拥挤的街道。)
- She demonstrated her panning technique by smoothly moving the camera to follow the bird in flight. (她通过平稳地移动摄像机以跟随飞行中的鸟展示了她的旋转摄影技巧。)
- I'm going panning for gold this weekend in the nearby river. (这个周末我要去附近的河里淘金。)
- He used a panning shot to capture the excitement of the crowd at the concert. (他使用旋转镜头捕捉了音乐会上观众的兴奋场面。)
- The panning effect added depth and dimension to the video footage. (旋转效果为视频镜头增添了深度和立体感。)
- They used panning shots to follow the athletes as they raced down the track. (他们使用旋转镜头跟随运动员在赛道上飞驰。)
- Panning the camera smoothly, he captured the graceful movements of the dancer. (他平稳地旋转摄像机,捕捉到了舞者优雅的动作。)