(形容词)- 中文含义:自我中心的,利己主义的
- 英文含义:self-centered, selfish
- 1. 自我中心的:只关注自己的需求和利益,忽视他人的感受和需要。
- 2. 利己主义的:以自我为中心,只追求个人的利益和幸福。
- 1. 自我中心者:一种性格特点,指过度关注自己的人,缺乏对他人的关心和理解。
- 2. 利己主义者:一种价值观,指只考虑个人利益,不顾及他人的人。
- egocentricity(名词):自我中心,利己主义
- egocentrically(副词):以自我为中心地
- self-centered:自我中心的
- self-absorbed:自我专注的
- self-obsessed:自我迷恋的
- altruistic:无私的
- selfless:无私的
英 [ˌiːɡəʊˈsentrɪk] 美 [ˌiːɡoʊˈsentrɪk]
- If you describe someone as egocentric, you criticize them for thinking about themselves and their own wants and needs and not about other people.
- An egocentric person thinks only of themselves and does not think of others.
- Thinking only of oneself without regard for the feelings or desires of others.
- An egocentric person.
- She is so egocentric that she never considers the needs of others.
- His egocentric behavior makes it difficult for him to maintain friendships.
- The politician's egocentric actions alienated many of his supporters.
- Don't be so egocentric! Start thinking about how your actions affect others.
- Her egocentricity prevented her from being empathetic towards others.
- He is such an egocentric person that he never listens to others. 他是个如此自我中心的人,从不听他人的意见。
- Her egocentric behavior made it difficult for her to maintain long-term relationships. 她自我中心的行为使她难以维持长期关系。
- The CEO's egocentric decision cost the company millions of dollars. 这位首席执行官自我中心的决策使公司损失了数百万美元。
- His egocentric attitude made it hard for him to make friends. 他自我中心的态度使他很难交朋友。
- Despite his egocentric nature, he managed to build a successful career. 尽管他自我中心,但他成功地建立了一番事业。
- Her egocentricity prevents her from seeing the impact of her actions on others. 她的自我中心使她无法看到自己行为对他人的影响。
- The novel explores the destructive nature of egocentricity. 这本小说探讨了自我中心的破坏性。
- It is important to teach children empathy so that they don't become egocentric adults. 教育孩子关怀他人很重要,这样他们才不会成为自我中心的成年人。
- His egocentric behavior caused conflicts within the team. 他自我中心的行为引发了团队内部的冲突。
- The actress's egocentric demands made it difficult for the crew to work with her. 这位女演员自我中心的要求使剧组很难与她合作。
- She is so focused on herself, she is almost egocentric. 她如此专注于自己,几乎就是自我中心的。
- His egocentric personality made it hard for him to maintain long-term relationships. 他自我中心的个性使他难以维持长期关系。
- Don't be so egocentric! Consider how your actions affect others. 不要那么自我中心!要考虑你的行为对他人的影响。
- The author's egocentricity is evident in his writing. 这位作者的自我中心在他的写作中显而易见。
- His egocentric behavior has caused a lot of problems in his personal relationships. 他的自我中心行为在他的个人关系中引起了很多问题。
- She is known for her egocentric personality and lack of empathy. 她以自我中心的个性和缺乏同理心而闻名。
- His egocentric nature makes it difficult for him to consider other people's feelings. 他的自我中心使他很难考虑他人的感受。
- She has a tendency to be egocentric and rarely thinks about others. 她有自我中心的倾向,很少考虑他人。
- His egocentric actions have caused a lot of harm to those around him. 他的自我中心行为给他周围的人带来了很多伤害。
- She is so egocentric that she often ignores the needs of her friends. 她如此自我中心,经常忽视朋友们的需求。